The Power of Intention: Strengthen the power of symbols
This article follows on from " How to work with symbols in everyday life " where I already discussed the power of thought.
This is a subject I would like to develop today.
The Larousse dictionary defines intention as "a disposition of mind by which one deliberately proposes a goal"
It implies 2 notions: thought and concentration on an objective.
The living thought
Unfortunately, for most humans, thought is not interesting. We can think whatever we want without any consequences. This lack of interest has made us totally unaware of everything that lives in our mental sphere.
However, everything has its origin in thought, including harmful, disharmonious feelings and desires.
When we are unhappy, for example, and we cry, we are in fact in a bubble, imprisoned by thoughts and moods. This bubble imprisons us.
To be unhappy is simply to be in a thought (this does not mean that it does not exist, let us be clear). The unhappy being concentrates on a thought that he repeats incessantly inside him like a mantra.
Whether or not this thought has a basis is of no interest since the being lives this thought which makes him unhappy.
The problem is that we have not been taught to look at what is behind the thoughts, the influences that are hidden in them
We have to make our thinking alive in order to free ourselves from all dead and bogging thoughts. When we are sad, thoughts without any interest inhabit us and maintain in our feelings energies of decomposition, which in their turn generate a negative way of seeing.
We then say to ourselves that we prefer to die and we start to unconsciously self-destruct by all sorts of means, sometimes very subtle.
To make one's thought alive, one must turn towards life: nature, a flower, the sun, flowing water ....
Thus one can turn away from dead thought and enter into living thought, enter into the present moment, into what lives permanently as beauty and splendor in man.
For man lives in beauty and splendor. Nature is a wonder. Only concentration, only attention can bring us to awakening and healing of the mind
And this is everything, because what we experience as thought and state of mind builds the body: either a body of waste that lives on dead energies, negative energies, and withers away, or a body of life in the presence of the soul.
In this case man does not go towards death but towards life because thought is greater than the body and what lives inside the body is greater than the body.
Concentration and creative power
Concentration, attention and the aspiration to awaken into a higher and more global consciousness are three fundamental qualities and exercises for any man or woman aspiring to awaken into eternal wisdom.
Concentration is a virtue of the will. When it is well executed, it generates creative power.
Man then discovers a strength in his soul that allows him to undertake everything, to succeed in everything.
The opposite of concentration is dispersion. In it man no longer knows where he stands, who he is. He has lost the great secret of his free and creative "I", the center of his true being.
All of man's creative power comes from the center of his true and pure being. If man loses contact with it, he loses himself at the same time. This is why, since the dawn of time, people have used symbols: they remind us how we must be internally centered.
Dispersion leads one to live on the periphery, in the superficial, whereas concentration leads to the fundamental experience of the center of being
This produces a natural state of higher awakening of the consciousness, a higher knowledge. Dispersion leads to indifference, which inevitably leads to sleep, to unconsciousness and thus to all the problems of life.
On earth we are all confronted with two forces
The one that wants to lead us towards evolution, towards awakening.
The other that wants and can lead you towards involution, sleepiness, stultification.
We are constantly solicited by these two energies and it is always up to us to make the choice. On this choice depends your future: either you go towards happiness and success, or towards unhappiness, suffering, recovery.
Life is merciless in that it can lead us on the path of awakening and corrects those who do not participate freely. No one can escape it.
The way to evolution is through the concentration of consciousness. The path of regression is through dispersion, lack of attention and vigilance.
In our contemporary world, unfortunately, everything is done to lead us towards sleepiness and stultification: new technologies, media, the educational system and so on.
And fear conditioning only adds to all of this. If you live in fear, you remain on the periphery of your being. You are no longer in your own center.
It takes strength of will and concentration to be yourself.
Cultivate positive thoughts
Right now, humans are constantly focusing on problems, difficulties... and this does not help the situation, quite the contrary.
I tend to repeat this, but unplug everything! Unplug your TV and especially the news, unplug your phone... and go to nature!
This doesn't mean that you have to turn a blind eye to your difficulties, but it is not by always concentrating on the problems that you manage to solve them. In the end, you will be overwhelmed.
And then the thought has no more possibility to breathe in other worlds, other spheres. And the problems suffocate it. What was information becomes poison.
It is by developing and reinforcing the positive side that we become strong and that we can overcome our difficulties. Of course, one should not ignore the difficulties but one should not put them in the first place either.
It is often said that one must be positive in life. Many people try to be positive but they do not persist because the negative, the gloom, the discontent have become so powerful in the world (by dint of focusing on them) that we quickly fall back into their nets.
This is why a voluntary discipline is necessary.
How to use or activate the power of intention to achieve your goals
The symbols of sacred geometry, which are wavelenght forms they act by themselves. They radiate their energies, their vibrations without you having to do anything.
But you can go further in your practice and use of symbols.
Concentration makes things appear, makes them present. This is the law of attraction
The Law of Attraction, also called the Law of Attraction or the Law of Natural Selection, is a theory that everything you encounter in your life is the result of your own thinking. According to the law of attraction, the universe is like a gigantic wheel.
Do this experiment: you focus on a thought and it appears in you. The same goes for a virtue, a state of mind, an object, a being.
You are the way you are right now because you are unconsciously focusing on this state of being.
If for example you are in a negative state of mind, you just need to focus on the Light, the peace, the joy, to make them present and to chase away the darkness. The power is within you and you can decide to use it or not.
Of course this takes practice. But what great athlete has managed to win medals without training?
So in practical terms, if you want to intensify the power of the sacred geometry symbols, you can do so by using the power of intention.
How to set the intention?
This can be done in different ways. Let's see some examples.
You lack confidence and you wish to attract this virtue to you and live with it? You can decide to focus on confidence through his Mandala, on a harmonizing disk, on a cup, on a canvas.
You can do this with any virtue. And so, throughout the day, as you focus on the Mandala, you will consciously decide to focus on a positive thought in order to invigorate it within you.
If you use a Fleur de Vie energizing plate to energize your water and food, do it consciously. This means that you stop doing things mechanically. When you put your water bottle down, do it consciously and ask for your water to be revitalized so that you can be in better shape and give all the best to the cells in your body.
Let's take another example: you want to be protected. You can place a Pentacle Harmonizing Disc, or Mandala Harmonizing Disc of Protection over your front door. And by placing it, you set the intention that anything negative or harmful cannot enter your home.
In the same way, if you hang a Mandala Protection against Harmful Influences canvas or a Metatron Cube canvas on your wall. Do it really consciously and connect to your symbol from time to time to reinforce this intention.
If you wish to use the Flower of Life to sleep, by placing it under your mattress or pillow, ask the symbol to help you sleep, to make your night less restless, to help you have a good night's sleep etc.
If you wish to harmonize your chakras, place yourself on a Flower of Life, Metatron Cube or Mandala harmonizing mat and imagine the color or the virtue of the Mandala being a small light that comes to rest on the chakra you wish to re-harmonize
Visualize this light first very small and then flood your chakra with its warm and beneficial light. Let it radiate to your energy center.
The final word
Today, most of the thoughts that we maintain and circulate are lifeless. Man no longer thinks. His thoughts do not mean anything real anymore.
As I mentioned earlier, in order to heal your thoughts, you have to start by disconnecting from all this electronic world and go to nature and reconnect with it.
You have to focus your attention on the flowers, the trees, the stones, the sky, and receive, feel all this real life that there is in nature, all this love, and be touched by the grace and the sacred. Then new thoughts visit you.
There is an important key to remember: it is that the more you concentrate on something, the more that thing exists.
Look at nature, you will discover extraordinary things. Develop a thought full of life, full of soul and you will become full of soul. Then you will not be afraid, you will have strength.
Going to nature is a necessity because at present, if man is a prisoner, locked up in his thoughts, in his feelings, it is because he is constantly in an electric light, in electronic images, surrounded by electronic devices.
His magnetic field is filled with these machines that eventually invade his thought sphere.
If you want to develop your power of intention, free your thought sphere from this modern-day bondage. Use it when you need it, but simply put it in its place.
And go into nature!
There is a soul current in nature that can resurrect and awaken your thoughts. You will then take back the power over yourself and over what surrounds you. You will be strong.
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