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Category: Decagon items
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FAQ Decagon: harmonizing and powerful tool
What is a decagon?
The decagon is a geometric shape with ten sides, and it is widely used in the field of dowsing for its powerful abilities to materialize energetic influences.
As early as 1946, the magazine "La Radiesthésie pour tous" published articles on the possibility of using words as testimonies and means of dowsing action. However, all the dowsers of the time were able to verify that the newly recorded words did not possess the energy quantum of what they designated and that this quantum was gradually acquired over three days, as if the surrounding energy was slowly deposited on the paper support. This prevented the immediate use of the word-testimony. This was the subject of research of the Belgian dowsers, the Servranx brothers. They noticed that small cardboard tokens with words, placed inside a circle drawn in Indian ink, accelerated the impregnation process of the word-testimony, thus reducing the long wait of 3 days.
Any geometric shape, regular or irregular, can be saturated with forces (still barely defined), whatever the testimony and mainly a word-testimony, to give it more power.
But rare are the shapes that give the word-testimony exactly what it lacks to be comparable to the natural sample.
By investigating in this way, the Servranx found several forms-testimonies of these forces of materialization, not to mention the majority of radiesthetic amplifiers which constitute excellent material testimonies of the phenomena.
With insistence, the pendulum designated among all the shapes examined, among the most diverse devices, the DECAGON, that is to say the regular polygon with ten sides.
The decagon is one of these privileged forms, which materializes the influences of a word-testimony.
The decagon is the symbol of the materialization of things, its ten faces correspond to:
• The thought that presided over the realization
• The verb that evokes it (names, symbols, etc.) the substance
• The energies that agglomerate this substance
• Magnetism (and fundamental ray, number, series)
• The species to which the thing belongs, its character
• The character and the specific properties of the thing
• The impregnations, the harmonizations, the resonances
• the past state of the thing
• the future state of this thing itself
Starting from the idea of valuing the words-testimonies in the decagon, F. and W. Servranx were led to look for decagons with even more powerful materialization effects, like the double decagon, with radii of 50 and 60 mm. With that, the duration of the recovery was reduced, and a lot. It was quickly realized that such a device allowed impregnations from a simple word-testimony, impregnations that could be used successfully as remedies! The result of this work was published in EXDOCIN in May 1958 and April 1959, and also published in the form of a book entitled Radiesthetic Materializations, in 1958.
What is the difference between a single decagon and a triple decagon?
The main difference between a single decagon and a triple decagon lies in the energetic power and intensity of the influence they generate. A single decagon is a geometric shape with ten sides, effective for harmonizing and amplifying energies in a space or during dowsing rituals.
However, a triple decagon, like the ones we create at Mandalashop, has three levels of superimposed rays, which gives it much greater power. This multi-layer structure allows to considerably amplify the effect of sacred geometry, concentrating energies on several planes simultaneously. The triple decagon acts faster and deeper, with a greater capacity for materialization and harmonization, ideal for more complex applications and more powerful results. This is why we have chosen to create and print exclusively triple decagons, to offer our customers products with the highest energy efficiency.
Why integrate the decagon into your daily life?
The decagon is a powerful tool for those who seek to harmonize the energies around them, amplify their intentions or protect their environment. Whether you are a practitioner of dowsing or simply wish to benefit from its energetic virtues, integrating a decagon into your daily life can have a profound impact on your well-being. Explore our decagon products at Mandalashop and let yourself be guided by the power of this fascinating geometric shape.
How to use the decagon for protection?
The decagon can be used to create an energetic barrier of protection. To do this, you can place a harmonizing disc or a glass energizing plate with a printed decagon in the places where you want to strengthen protection against negative influences. For example, you can place it near doors or windows, or even wear it as a piece of jewelry like a talisman. The decagon will not only act as an energy amplifier, but it will also rebalance the energies around you, creating a zone of protection against unwanted energies.
How to make wishes on a decagon?
Making wishes on a decagon is a powerful symbolic act. You can use the energy of the decagon to amplify your intentions and desires. Here is a simple method:
• Choose your decagon: You can use a harmonizing disk or a decagon energizing tray created and printed by us.
• Place it in a quiet space: Place it on a table or altar, facing north.
• Formulate your wish: Take a moment to focus on your intention, whether it is a wish for healing, protection or prosperity. It is important to be specific in your desires.
• Visualize or write your wish on a paper: Place the paper, a candle or a symbolic object on the decagon to strengthen the energetic connection. Close your eyes and visualize the fulfillment of your wish.
• Let the energy diffuse: The decagon will amplify your intention and the energetic forces around you. Leave it there for 24 to 48 hours to allow the energy to infuse.
How to use a decagon in dowsing?
The decagon is a tool highly appreciated by dowsers for its effectiveness in capturing and amplifying energies. In dowsing, you can use a pendulum above a decagon to:
• Amplify the detection of energies: The decagon acts as an amplifier for energy radiation, which allows the pendulum to move more easily and quickly.
• Identify energetic influences: The decagon can help you detect energy imbalances in a space or on a person. You can place the decagon in different places in your environment and observe how the pendulum reacts.
• Optimize results: By using a decagon, you can increase the accuracy and clarity of the answers obtained during a dowsing session, especially when researching energetic influences or the effects of testimonial words.
Where to buy a decagon?
At Mandalashop, we offer a wide range of printed decagon products, including harmonizing disks, energizing trays, harmonizing mats, and energizing glass plates. All of these products are created and printed by us, in our workshop in the South of France. You can find these items in our online store.