The powers of the Metatron's Cube
Symbols are humanity's oldest form of communication. I tend to remind you regularly that symbols are wonderful tools that allow us to access spiritual and esoteric dimensions and understandings. Among these symbols, we find the Metatron's Cube which is rather intriguing and mysterious. This complex geometric symbol, if we compare it for example to the Flower of Life, contains profound truths and divine mysteries.
In this comprehensive article, I am delighted to take you to discover the enigmatic universe of the Cube, which takes its name from the Archangel Metatron. What are its origins? What is its spiritual significance and its influence in esoteric practices? And above all, how can we use it? Some uses may surprise you, who knows?
Meaning of the Metatron's Cube symbol in sacred geometry
The Metatron's Cube is recognized as one of the most powerful symbols in sacred geometry. In the field of spirituality, the Cube plays an important role and is known as an esoteric healing medium particularly suited to the ultra-sensitive. The Cube is a sacred geometrical figure based on divine proportion, a formula for harmony, and its very high vibration makes it a powerful symbol that is notably used to ward off bad vibes and improve your well-being.
This symbol condenses several symbols: it contains not only the sacred forms of the Flower of Life, the Seed of Life and the Merkaba, but also all the Platonic solids. That's what makes it such a powerful and popular symbol
What are the Platonic solids?
The 5 Platonic solids are regular volumes (all their faces are equal), convex (all their angles are less than 180°) and inscribed in a sphere (each vertex covers the entire surface of the sphere). All their angles, constituted by the junction of their faces as well as the dimensions of their edges, are equal. This postulate was demonstrated by the mathematician Euclid, a disciple of Plato, in his Treatise on the Elements, Book XIII.

Platonic solids have been known since Neolithic times. They were named after Plato, even though it was his pupil Euclid, at the school of Athens, who demonstrated them. In his Timaeus, Plato associated the five solids with the five elements, the basis of the universe's creation. He associated the tetrahedron with fire, the hexahedron with earth, the octahedron with air, the icosahedron with water, and the dodecahedron with ether, the cosmos and the divine spirit.
There was a justification for these associations: the heat of fire seems sharp and dagger-like (like the tetrahedron). Air is made up of the octahedron; its tiny components are so soft you can hardly feel them. Water, the icosahedron, escapes from the hand when grasped, as if made of tiny balls. The most stable solid, the hexahedron (cube), represents the Earth. These small solids make dust when crumbled and break when grasped, a big difference from the smooth flow of water.
For Plato's fifth solid, the dodecahedron, Plato remarks obscurely, "the god used to arrange the constellations all over the sky". Plato mapped the dodecahedron to the Whole (Phaedo, 110b; Timaeus, 55c), because it is the solid that most closely resembles the sphere. Aristotle named this fifth element aithêr, and postulated that the universe was made of it, and that it was substantial to all the others, that it contained them all.
Influences of the 5 Platonic solids
The tetrahedron, source of energy and vitality
The tetrahedron is an angular solid with four triangular faces. It is therefore a balanced volume. Its appearance is highly dynamic. This solid is linked to fire, an active element whose symbolism is linked to emergence and elevation. It is closely interwoven with the third chakra, also known as the solar plexus chakra in the human body. This energetic center is the seat of inner strength, assertive personality and personal power.
The vibration of the tetrahedron's shape can strengthen our overall health or amplify an intention. Using the tetrahedron can help us overcome severe fatigue or activate convalescence.

The hexahedron, a source of stability and control
The hexahedron is a massive solid, and its cubic shape with 6 squares is very reassuring.
This solid is connected to the earth, a dancing and stable element, and its vibratory shape promotes stability, precision and security.
The hexahedron will promote good management of the material world and thus the survival of the physical body.

The octahedron, a source of balance and subtlety
The octahedron is a solid made up of 8 equilateral angles, and its appearance is highly symmetrical in relation to a vertical axis. Rough diamonds crystallize in the shape of an octahedron, symbolizing purity and love.
The octahedron is a solid linked to air, a very subtle element, whose symbolism is exchange between all directions and dimensions.
The vibration of the shape of this solid promotes subtlety and lightness in our psychic environment. It also strengthens the aura.

The icosahedron, source of purity and love
The icosahedron is a solid with 20 east faces, perfectly balanced in space because it can be inscribed in a sphere.
The icosahedron is a solid related to water, promoting fluidity, dissolution and purity. Water is also a medium for communicating all the information in our environment, just as it is inside our bodies, which are 80% water. It is through water that our cells communicate with each other, and that life is created and regenerated.
Masaru Emoto 's extraordinary discoveries have revealed the wealth of messages that water can offer, and its capacity to inform us of the worst as well as the best.
The vibration of the icosahedron's shape can open up the heart chakra and put us in touch with our causal soul. It is ideally suited to helping us dissolve our blockages to create an emission of affection and love towards others, to modify our vibratory emission and change our lives.

The dodecahedron, a source of intuition and spirituality
The dodecahedron is a volume of 12 pentagonal facets, with each of its 20 vertices in contact with the sphere in which it is inscribed.
Of Plato's 5 solids, the dodecahedron is the one linked to the ether. It symbolizes the fifth element, ether, the invisible energy underlying the four formal elements. Ether corresponds to prana in India or Qi in China.
This solid element is ideally suited to our spiritual development. The pollution of modern life, whether formal or psychic, creates a profound imbalance in our inner life. It helps us connect with our spiritual soul and our incarnation program.

The Metatron's Cube and the Flower of Life
It's often said on the internet that the Metatron's Cube contains only 4 of the 5 Platonic solids.
It does contain all 5 solids, but on the other hand, 4 of the 5 solids fit perfectly into the Flower of Life scheme.
When we explore these symbols together, we discover a profound symbiosis between the geometric complexity of the Metatron's Cube and the elegant simplicity of the Fleur de Vie, creating a spiritual web that transcends the limits of ordinary understanding to open doors to wider perspectives on the nature of existence and spirituality.

What is the Merkaba or tetrahedral star?
In a nutshell, the Merkaba is defined by the essence of its name. According to Egyptian terminology, it's made up of three words: MER, the celestial light, KA, the energetic body, and BA, the incarnated soul. The word Merkabah (or Merkavah) is thus an Egyptian term, then a Hebrew one.
In Kabbalah, it took on the meaning of divine vehicle or chariot, and was associated with the inner journey. Jewish mysticism and kabbalah have their origins in ancient Egypt.
Compared to an energy vehicle, the Merkabah can help our body, mind and soul to access and experience other levels of consciousness or life potential.
Wearing a Merkaba is considered a source of purification and protection.
How to use and where to place the Metatron's Cube?
As you've already seen, the Metatron's Cube is a condensed version of the 5 Platonic Solids, the Merkaba and the Flower of Life.
That's what makes it such a powerful vibratory symbol, a powerful vibratory symbol of protection that eliminates bad vibes and negative energies, and promotes inner peace and spiritual awakening.
The Metatron's Cube for rebalancing and protection
A major symbol of sacred geometry, the Metatron Cube has been used for centuries to protect and purify places. A tool for rebalancing your home and protecting against negative energies.
You can use the Metatron's Cube on a variety of supports, but the ideal home setting would be a canvas-on-frame wall decoration. Be careful where you place your canvas, as the radiance of this symbol may be unsuitable for certain spaces, such as the bedroom.
You can also use your Metatron's Cube canvas to meditate and raise your vibrational frequency.
Vibrational symbols in general act by themselves, so simply wear them in the form of your choice or place them in your environment to enjoy their benefits.
But you can also set up a meditative practice, notably with our printed canvases in different formats. Contemplate its color, its shape and then let yourself be won over by its surprising harmony. Then perceive its energy, its soul, its intelligence. This may awaken in you a new way of looking at yourself and those around you.
The aim of this exercise is to perceive the energetic aura of the symbol and enter into it to receive its blessing. This increases your own energy and awareness.
We have intentionally developed a range of Metatron's Cubes in different colors to work in parallel with the benefits of chromotherapy.
The Metatron's Cube for energizing water
I've written a full article on energized water.
To sum up, all our tap water and bottled water currently meet all the worst possible conditions for quality drinking water. Every day, we drink water with no energy, no structure, no dynamics and no vitality.
There are various techniques for restoring vitality to water. One of the most accessible is the use of wavelenght forms, such as mandalas or the Flower of Life.
Drinking energized water gives you:
- greater vitality, less fatigue
- better hydration
- better sleep
- a better immune system, fewer illnesses
- improved stamina and recovery after exercise
- a feeling of satiety more quickly
Symbols can be used to energize not only water, but also dietary supplements, medicines, foods, essential oils, Bach Flower Remedies and so on.
To do this, simply place your bottle of water or your food on a dynamizing plate, for example, or on a harmonizing disc. In short, you get the idea.
The Metatron's Cube for cleansing and recharging minerals
I don't know about you, but it's often difficult to remember whether to use salt, water or incense to cleanse your stone. It's even more complicated when you've got a whole collection of minerals and stone jewelry at home!
The great thing about vibrational symbols is that you can simply place your stones in them after each use and pick them up again a few hours later or the next morning. There's no need to use water, the sun or other restrictive methods when you want to purify your crystals daily or after each use.
And presto! One pass over the harmonizing disk and you're done!
Why you should wear Metatron's Cube jewelry
There really are plenty of reasons to wear esoteric and symbolic jewelry. It's a very personal question. We interact with the world through symbols too, and they make wonderful companions along the way.
• Metatron's Cube jewelry will help you remember your connection with the divine. Besides, if you have specific healing or uplifting intentions, wearing sacred jewelry encourages you to stay focused on your goals.
• By wearing a Metatron Cube jewel, it will be easier for you to seek the guidance and support of the archangel Metatron in your important decisions, your personal challenges or during periods of great change.
• The symbol of Metatron's Cube is linked to sacred geometry and harmony. Wearing Metatron's Cube jewelry can help you release emotional blockages and balance your energies. They generally promote a general feeling of balance.
• If you usually meditate or pray, this jewelry is an excellent point of concentration. It also works with other media, like our printed canvases. Visualize the cube radiating light and energy, in order to connect more easily with Archangel Metatron.
• When wearing Metatron's Cube jewelry, remember the symbolism of the Cube and its spiritual meaning. Imagine how its interconnected geometric shapes represent the harmony and structure of the universe. It is a point of daily concentration.
• We don't necessarily think about it but you can load your jewelry with positive intentions or affirmations. For example, you could program them to help you stay centered and peaceful throughout the day. Intention or visualization reinforces the power of symbols.
Activation of the Metatron's Cube - How to activate the Metatron Cube?
The Metatron's Cube, one of the powerful, high-vibrational form waves rooted in spirituality and metaphysics, represents the activation of the Sacred Cube, a metatronic vehicle that promotes well-being and elevated consciousness.
At the heart of this sacred structure, a golden light emanates, enveloping its user in an atmosphere conducive to spiritual upliftment. The energetic spheres that make up the Metatron Cube act as portals to higher dimensions, facilitating access to states of profound inner peace.
This activation of the Cube creates a harmonious resonance with divine energies, promoting spiritual balance and alignment. You'll discover new dimensions of your inner being. Practitioners consider this experience to be a plunge into metatronic consciousness, offering a deep connection with universal wisdom and paving the way for significant inner transformation.
On a more concrete level, and for use with printed Metatron's Cube media, as with the Flower of Life, this sacred geometry symbol doesn't specifically need activation. It's a wavelenght form. It radiates on its own and has a very high vibratory rate. On the other hand, when working with this symbol, it's perfectly possible to place a particular intention on it to give it greater power.
Archangel Metatron or Angel Metatron?
Who is Archangel Metatron? What is his role?
Metatron is the name of an archangel of the divine world according to Jewish tradition. The archangel Metatron is not mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, but he appears in the Talmud, midrash and especially in Jewish mystical literature, where he is linked to the biblical patriarch Enoch. He is described as the guardian of heavenly secrets.
He is especially found at the top of the Sephirotic Tree. He is associated with Kether, the crown, which is the highest aspect of divinity.
The etymology of the name "Metatron" is not very clear. At least nine hypotheses have been put forward as to its origin, including etymologies based on Greek, Latin and Hebrew.
Among the most widespread explanations, one hypothesis derives Metatron from the expression meta-tronos, i.e. "assistant to the throne" in Greek. This explanation highlights Metatron's proximity to the divine throne, an object of speculation in Jewish mystical tradition.
Another proposal links him to the Latin metator, i.e. "the measurer". This term belongs to the Roman military vocabulary and designates an officer who precedes the army to measure the location of the camp. Metatron's function may derive from his identification with the angel holding a chord in the vision in the Book of Zechariah (Zechariah 2:6).
According to Gershom Scholem, Jewish historian and philosopher, specialist in Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism (1897-1982), the name Metatron may have no particular meaning. It's possible that Metatron is constructed symbolically (doubling of the letter t, ending in ron) and that its syllables carry no meaning.
Here again, I invite you to study the teachings of the Sephirotic Tree. It should enlighten you further!

How to work with Archangel Metatron Sample invocation
If you would like to make a meditation or prayer to Archangel Metatron, let your intuition guide you.
Find a quiet space. For your practice, choose a time of day when you can find inner peace more easily. This could be in the morning, when you wake up, or in the evening, before you go to bed.
Here's an example of an invocation I'd like to suggest:
"Archangel Metatron, mystery of mysteries, I want to learn to meditate and connect with the great cosmic ocean of eternal wisdom
I want to awaken, acquire discernment and observation of myself and my surroundings, in order to become clear and precise.
In the posture of meditation, I call forth great calm, I taste serenity.
Ienter into the cessation of existence by penetrating the worlds of grandeur and silence filled with divinity.
All is alive and active around me and within me.
I want to know my true immortal self beyond the illusions and seeds that have been planted in me by worlds that aspire to live through me.
I want to awaken to what surrounds me and lives through me, so that I may be in your great protection.
With inner fervor, need and awareness, I call to you, Archangel Metatron.
May your magical presence make futile preoccupations, superficial and false spirits, the fleeting shadows of the ephemeral disappear.
Bring forth in me the sense of the sacred, the sense of deep study, silence before the eternal flame of the true being who dwells in my inner earth.
I want to connect with you so that you may always protect me from the superficial, from emptiness, from the dispossession of the flame of self.
Bless you."
How to draw or reproduce the Metatron's Cube?
Here's a cool tutorial on how to reproduce the Metatron's Cube from the Seed of Life. Although the tutorial is in English, you can follow each step easily.
Printable Metatron Cube
Click here to download your printable Metatron's Cube pdf.
A final word
As we contemplate the luminous facets of the Metatron's Cube, we come face to face with a symbol that goes far beyond our ordinary understanding. Through its interconnected geometric forms, it reminds us of the inherent harmony of the universe and the subtle links that connect us to higher planes of consciousness. An essential symbol in the world of personal development and spirituality, the Metatron's Cube opens the doors to spiritual transformation . It can help you find the guidance and inspiration you need on your spiritual path.
Whether you wear it as jewelry, meditate on it or simply rest your eyes on it, the Metatron's Cube is and remains an invitation to explore hidden mysteries and lift your spirit to new perspectives. Through its symbolism and intricate lines, it reminds us that behind the apparent complexity of reality lie profound truths.
Finally, remember that this symbol is not just a geometric representation, but embodies humanity's timeless aspirations to transcend, evolve and find light in the darkness. In every angle, every line and every point, there's an invitation to embrace your spiritual potential and discover the secrets hidden behind the veil of material reality.
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Le pouvoir des symboles, Éditions Trajectoire
Plato's solids
Emmanuel Nsambu mungekibeni - 11/12/2023 10:47:12
Merci infiniment pour la géométrie sacrée et le cube de métatron.