Yin Yang explained: understanding the forces of harmony
Table of contents
Meaning, philosophy and definition of the yin yang symbol
What does yin and yang mean or represent?
Cosmic harmony through the prism of yin and yang
Understanding the form of yin yang
The original yin yang
What is the colour of yin and yang? Which is the yin side?
What is the yin yang dragon?
Yin energy and yang energy
How do you know if you're yin or yang? The characteristics of a yin person and a yang person.
Understanding Yin and Yang through its 4 principles
1. Yin and Yang are opposites
2. Yin and Yang create and depend on each other
3. Yin and Yang change and grow in a cyclical and balanced way
4. Yin and Yang transform into each other.
How to balance Yin and Yang (with practical tips)
How to use the Yin Yang symbol
Yin Yang and spirituality: finding the right balance
What is yin and yang in love?
What about the yin yang couple?
Yin Yang yoga
How to draw yin yang?
To conclude

Yin-Yang has become a universal philosophical concept that many people readily embrace.
The concept of Yin and Yang is deeply rooted in Chinese philosophy. Its origins date back at least 2,500 years, and probably much earlier, playing a crucial role in the formation of the ancient Chinese civilization. Since then, Chinese thinkers have attached great importance to Yin and Yang.
In Asia's search for a universal formula to describe balance and harmony, Yin-Yang today appeals to fields as diverse as medicine, the arts, religion, sport and politics.
Meaning, philosophy and definition of the yin-yang symbol
What do yin and yang mean or represent?
The yin-yang symbol is a geometrical figure inscribed within a circle. Two new inner circles are drawn on one of the circle's diameters, their respective diameters being equal to the radius of the circle containing them. From these inner circles, we then retain only the lines of the two semicircles that extend into each other, describing an axis. The result is like two rolling petals.
Yin and Yang is also known as Tai Chi, the Supreme Ultimate or Great Art. The symbol represents the two fundamental principles of Chinese philosophy. They represent unity in duality.
Yin and Yang is a symbol and metaphor for the two most fundamental forces of nature. It is hailed as one of the greatest philosophical concepts and ideas proposed by ancient Chinese philosophers and naturalists.
The first Chinese characters representing yin and yang were found as inscriptions on "oracle bones", the skeletal remains of animals, which would have been used as part of Chinese divination practices since at least 1300 BC.
The inscription of yin and yang on these bones literally translates as referring to the movements of the sun. Yang was translated as the sunny side of the mountain, and yin was the shady side of the mountain. Therefore, these early signs of yin and yang theory were very much linked to sun-based movements and cycles.
Cosmic harmony through the prism of Yin and Yang
Yin and Yang, the foundations of the yin-yang system, represent a dynamic, holistic vision of the world in Chinese cosmology. Originating in the work of Zou Yan and the 2nd-century B.C. Huangdi Nei Jing Suwen ( J.-C.), this theory offers a unique understanding of unity in duality. It categorizes entities, static phenomena and seasonal rhythms according to a binary decomposition into yin pairs, illustrating the dynamism of nature. The values of society, confronted with dialectical approaches to causes, use labeling for the purposes of understanding etiology.
Thanks to the historian, we can observe a confrontation with modern science from Europe, while recognizing the vast network of connections in the Upper Warming region and the variation in the duration of time alone. Thus, the masculine principle of Yang and the feminine principle of Yin intertwine, reflecting an essential balance in this profound conception of cosmic order.
Understanding the Yin Yang form

The outer circle represents the "whole", i.e. the universe and all that it contains. It embodies the duality of all that exists, harmony and balance within the universe.
The circle is both beginning and end, finite and infinite, everything and nothing. With its round shape, it evokes the alternation of cycles and the great wheel of life.
The circle thus signifies the perpetual movement of the world, due to the energies, the two black and white parts. Yin Yang should therefore be seen as the wisdom of life in motion.
The symbol of yin and yang invites us to tolerance, acceptance, balance, perseverance and love. It leads to serenity, happiness and harmony.
The original Yin Yang
Despite its presence in everyday life, little is written about the origin of the Yin-Yang symbol. I myself went looking for information on foreign sites, because in France, all the sites say exactly the same thing, and in the end, personally, I don't think we learn anything at all.
Contemporary books and articles generally deal in detail with the philosophical facets of Yin and Yang, but do not address the origin of the Yin-Yang symbol. It turns out that the original Yin-Yang symbol is more complex than its modern representation, as suggested by two semi-circles.
Yin and Yang appear in China in the earliest ancient texts, but really emerge in the 3rd century BC.
The Yin-Yang symbol has its origins in the I-Ching.
The Yi Jing, also spelled Yi King or Yi-King, is one of the Chinese classics, whose title can be translated as "Book of Changes", "Classic of Changes", "Canon of Changes" or "Book of Transformations". It is one of the oldest and most fundamental books in Chinese philosophy.
Originally a divination treatise, it is called Zhou Yi, meaning "Zhou Changes", because it was written in the 1st millennium BC, during the Zhou period (1027-256 BC. J.-C.). It gives the interpretation of divinatory draws made with yarrow stems. It is based on 8 trigrams and 64 hexagrams, made up respectively of 3 and 6 broken or continuous lines, obtained by counting the yarrow stems used during the draw, and for each of its forms it provides a brief commentary that leaves room for numerous interpretations.
"The Book of Changes", deals with natural phenomena and their seasonal cycles. From the constant changes and transformations of nature, the I-Ching attempts to derive the immutable rules governing our cosmos and our very existence.

Observation of celestial phenomena is therefore of central importance to the I-Ching. This is where we find the roots of the Yin-Yang symbol.
For example, by observing the sun's shadow and recording the positions of the Big Dipper at night throughout the year, the ancient Chinese determined the four cardinal points: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The direction of the shortest shadow measured on a given day reveals the south. At night, the North Star points north.
What is the colour of yin and yang? Which is the yin side?
This symbol has been well known in the Western world since the end of the 19th century. Yin is represented by black (or often blue) and symbolizes the feminine, the moon, the dark, the cold, the negative, etc.
As for Yang, it is represented by white (or often red) and symbolizes the masculine, the sun, clarity, warmth, the positive, etc.
What is yin yang dragon?
Sometimes we hear the term yin yang dragon. But what exactly is it?
The dragon has a completely different meaning in China than in most Western countries. In China, the dragon has been a symbol of luck and happiness for centuries.
And sometimes there's a yin-yang relationship between the tiger and the dragon.
The Tao embodies the duality of the universe and the life-giving chi at work in balancing the opposing forces often represented by the tiger and the dragon. Chinese mythology expresses these two forces of Tiger and Dragon, or Yin and Yang, as perfect complements.
In feng shui, the dragon and tiger are important both inside and outside the home.

Yin and yang energy
Just as the movements of the sun adhere to certain laws of the physical realm, which are impersonal, yin and yang also function in this way. Any natural law that is, is, regardless of our opinions or beliefs and can therefore be considered a universal truth and, therefore, applies to all humans, regardless of race, religion or cultural background.
Yang is commonly expressed as extreme heat, energy, expansion, the sun, masculine energy, and so on.
Yin is generally expressed in terms of cold, passive, creativity, the moon, feminine energy, etc.
The ancient Taoists discovered that all things, animate and inanimate, can be broken down into predominantly yin or yang characteristics. This process of breaking things down into two main forces provided a context in which the theory and notion of balance could be better understood. It also provided a means by which humans could navigate through the cosmic forces of the universe in an aligned and evolutionary manner.
This duality is also associated with many dualities, as can be seen in the image below.
Yin and Yang are two expressions of the same reality. The harmonious line separating them indicates that they interact smoothly and efficiently. Yin, at its peak, transmutes into Yang. And conversely, Yang, at its peak, transmutes into Yin. One evolves into the other and vice versa, continuously and without interruption. Yang is associated with a power of activation, and Yin carries the latent aspect of transformation.
Thus night follows day, cold follows heat, death follows life, etc.
In everything there is Yin and Yang, as illustrated by the symbol of the point of the opposite color in each polarity. And somehow this tells us that nothing in life is all black and white. It's the interaction of the two forces that creates movement, Qi, universal energy and life.
How do you know if you're yin or yang? The characteristics of a yin and a yang person.
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and the philosophy of yin and yang consider that each individual possesses a unique combination of these two opposing but complementary forces.
There is no rigid categorization as a "yin person" or a "yang person", as the balance between yin and yang can vary according to many factors.
However, certain aspects of your life and constitution can be associated with either yin or yang. Here are some general characteristics that are often linked to each energy:
1. Calm and tranquil.
2. Emotional sensitivity.
3. Preference for peaceful environments.
4. Preference for more passive or relaxing activities.
5. Tendency to have a lighter or thinner constitution.
1. Energy and dynamism.
2. Tendency towards action and restlessness.
3. Preference for active, stimulating environments.
4. Preference for physical, dynamic activities.
5. Tendency to have a more robust or muscular constitution.
It's important to note that these characteristics are general and that each individual is unique. Traditional Chinese medicine also considers other aspects such as physical constitution, eating habits, local climate, and other factors to assess a person's yin-yang balance.
If you are interested in a more precise assessment of your yin-yang balance, you may wish to consult a qualified practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine. These professionals can use methods such as observing physical signs, taking pulses, examining the tongue and a detailed health questionnaire to determine your constitution and assess the balance between yin and yang in your body.
Understanding Yin and Yang through its 4 principles
1. Yin and Yang are opposites
Because of the dynamic movement of yin and yang, this principle emphasizes that these forces are in a kind of interlocking, continuous conflict.
Yin and yang are in constant opposition to each other, and progressively go through different phases of growth and decline. They are two forces at once opposed, interconnected and complementary.
It's often helpful to visualize in your mind a giant electromagnetic field that stretches as far as the imagination will allow.

Now imagine this electromagnetic field criss-crossed by waves and ripples like ocean waves.
It is these waves and ripples of movement that generate phases and zones within this energy network, large zones of conflict, or in other words, zones of great resistance.
With any resistance, when left long enough, a massive amount of potential energy is generated and stagnates until it reaches a tipping point, where the stagnant energy eventually dominates the resisting force, which can generate a massive movement or release of energy.
It is this quality of opposing yin and yang forces that gives life to dynamic periods of intensity, beauty and sometimes destruction, so that energy can keep moving and eventually adjust towards balance.
2. Yin and Yang create each other and depend on each other
Yin and yang coexist and are linked in a co-dependent relationship. They can only exist as long as their partner, and its opposing force, also exists. It is this interlocking, co-dependent relationship that gives rise to their true definition, and shows us that these forces cannot be separated. It's like man and woman: if you took all the men off the planet, all humans would eventually cease to exist, because they would no longer be able to procreate. Therefore, man and woman are perfect expressions of the coexistent relationship found throughout the universe.
3. Yin and Yang change and grow in a cyclical, balanced way
Yin and yang are always evolving towards a more balanced state. It does so through the continuous dynamic movement of interaction and restriction. Taoism, a philosophy based on the study and practice of yin and yang, considers the universe to be autonomous. They believe that it is this yin and yang force that governs all life, therefore, there is no God or entity outside of these forces that deserves attention or that we can rely on to "fix our life", if, for whatever reason, it has fallen apart.
If we were to sit back and observe these yin and yang forces expressing themselves throughout the natural world, we come to see patterns of yin and yang beginning to emerge. The most obvious of these patterns is the changing weather and the four seasons. We would also see patterns and cycles in the animal world as well as in the human world, in relation to birth, the aging process, illness and death. On closer inspection, we may also be able to observe patterns in our behavior and thought processes. Whatever we look at or observe, it will soon become clear that it is indeed constantly evolving, and that if we look long enough, a pattern will naturally emerge.

4. Yin and Yang transform into each other.
Hot will eventually become cold, and cold will eventually become hot. There's simply no other way. Although it may take thousands or millions of years, like an ice age here on Earth, it will still happen, when the sun comes to melt the ice.
Nature has its own way of restoring balance, and according to universal time and space, nature is very, very patient. Another example can be seen right in front of us. We can see it unfolding in our breath. Inhale will eventually become exhale and vice versa. It's impossible to inhale only, without exhaling. As a result, these forces feed and support each other, allowing the opposite to express itself and the vital force to exist.
How to balance Yin and Yang?
This symbol shows us the way to perfect balance. We only truly know something when we have balanced the 2 sides.
Albert Einstein said: "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you have to keep moving "
What is often alluded to in discussions of yin and yang theory is the notion of balance. Balance being a somewhat illusory ideal state in which yin and yang are harmonized, equalized. What is rarely discussed is what it actually looks like to be balanced, and how do I know if I'm balanced or not? What are the signs when balance is present? And if one becomes balanced, does that translate into being enlightened?

Due to the nature of Yin and Yang, the state of equilibrium between these forces is in fact a very rare event. So much so, in fact, that the very idea of remaining in equilibrium for any length of time is not really possible, or at least not for very long. Yin and yang are like the movements of the planets or the rise and fall of the tides. From time to time, the planets will align and the tides will be in the middle of high and low tide, but as we all know, they don't stay in these states for very long.
The best we can do with regard to the continuous dynamic movement from yin to yang, is to reduce the intensity and extremity of these changes. So, instead of having extreme yang periods of excitement, action and intensity followed by extreme periods of fatigue, sadness and sometimes depression, we need to become more stable and better control our thoughts, emotions, actions and internal energies. To help clarify this, the more stable, less extreme path would be more like a slower, gentler oscillation between yin and yang with regular, longer periods through a state of equilibrium. Whereas the opposite, more extreme expressions of yin and yang would look more like sharper, faster, sharper oscillations, which include more extreme ups and downs with very fast, shorter periods passing through the state of equilibrium.
For the human being, the wisest approach is first to accept that yin and yang are dynamic forces and that there will always be movement from one to the other, with balanced states coming and going.
The second thing we can do is learn to flow with it, not against it, and in so doing, recognize that this emotional state, this situation, etc., will always change.
The third thing we can do is avoid pushing ourselves to either extreme by raising awareness and adjusting our lifestyles.
Although mankind has little control over the yin and yang forces that express themselves throughout the universe, we do have a unique ability to learn and adjust behaviours that help govern the yin and yang energies that manifest themselves in our own bodies and minds.
The general principle being that it's best to avoid extremes of yin or yang energy, if possible, for good health. This principle is one of the foundations of traditional Chinese medicine. Any extreme in one direction ultimately triggers a dramatic shift to the opposite extreme, usually manifesting itself as some kind of illness, which manifests itself as a way for universal forces to stop us in our tracks.
Other examples of manifestations of too extreme a yin or yang are mental illness, physical degeneration, toxic organ overload and burnout. In most cases, mainly because of our yang-dominated culture, it's yang that tends to reach extreme levels before a rapid shift to yin is triggered.
Here are some general tips for balancing yin and yang in your daily life:
1. Balanced diet: Choose foods that balance yin and yang. For example, hot, spicy foods are considered yang, while cool, light foods are considered yin. Vary your diet to include a combination of yin and yang foods.
2. Physical exercise: Engage in moderate physical activity to maintain a balance between yin (rest) and yang (activity). Too much exercise can be too yang, while too little can be too yin.
3. Stress management: Find ways to manage the stress in your life. Meditation with sacred geometry symbols, for example, yoga, deep breathing and other relaxation techniques can help balance yin and yang energies.
4. Get enough sleep: Make sure you get enough sleep to allow your body to regenerate. Quality sleep helps balance yin and yang energies.
5. Harmonize with nature: Live in harmony with natural cycles. Respect the seasons and adjust your lifestyle accordingly. For example, in winter, when energy is more yin, take the time to rest more.
6. Emotional balance: Cultivate balanced emotions. Avoid emotional extremes and seek to maintain a stable emotional state.
7. Feng Shui: Apply Feng Shui principles to balance the energy in your environment. This can include organizing your living space in a way that encourages harmonious balance.
8. Spiritual practices: Engage in spiritual practices that promote inner harmony, such as meditation, tai chi or qi gong.
How to use the Yin Yang symbol
Like other symbols, this Yin-Yang symbol has 2 polarities: negative and positive, depending on the direction of rotation.
It can therefore be used in two ways: either to activate a process, or to slow it down. This is the first process we've chosen to develop in our vibratory articles: i.e., with the positive face forward; the face or dark Yin of water descends and rotates clockwise.
So, if you need help with a job interview or exam, it's best to use it as we suggest.
Conversely, to calm the energy or slow down an activation, it's a good idea to use it the other way round.
And as with all other sacred symbols, here are a few possible uses:
● The Yin Yang is a very effective symbol for rebalancing our energetic state.
● Placing a Yin Yang under your food, drinks, seeds and dietary supplements helps to energize them.
● You can place your stones, minerals on this symbol to cleanse and recharge them.
● You can also hang a Yin Yang on the wall to reharmonize certain rooms.
Yin Yang and spirituality: finding the right balance
The happy life is, above all, about finding the right balance. Finding the right balance and staying with it is the key to happiness. Knowing how to be is knowing how to live.
Being identified with your true self is the key to balance. That is, you are who you really are, not what some world says you are.
Balance is happiness. In it, there is no extreme tension in either the positive or the negative.
In balance, man knows who he is. He is not an extraordinary being, nor is he a nobody. He is just himself, and lives in accordance with who he is, fulfilling his mission in harmony with the worlds around him.
Not knowing who you are makes you weak, and leads to a great deal of tension, illusions and problems in life.
What is yin and yang in love?
In the context of love relationships, the philosophy of Yin and Yang can be used to understand the dynamics and energies that exist between two partners. Here's how the concept of Yin and Yang can be applied to love:
1- Complementarity: Yin and Yang represent opposing but complementary forces. In a love relationship, this can mean that partners have opposing traits, qualities or energies that complement each other. For example, one may be more calm, reflective and receptive (Yin), while the other is more energetic, active and dynamic (Yang).
2- Balance: The key to a successful love relationship according to the Yin and Yang concept is to maintain a balance between opposing polarities. Too much Yin or Yang can lead to imbalance and tension. Harmony is achieved when both partners accept each other, recognize their differences and work together to find a balance.
3- Cycle of change : Yin and Yang are constantly changing, and this can be applied to the different phases of a love relationship. There may be moments of calm and stability (Yin), followed by periods of activity and growth (Yang). Understanding this cycle can help partners adapt to the natural changes in the relationship.
4- Communication and understanding: Communication is crucial in a relationship based on Yin and Yang. Partners must be open to understanding each other's needs and characteristics. This requires empathetic listening, recognition of differences, and a willingness to adjust each other to maintain harmony.
In summary, Yin and Yang in love emphasizes complementarity, balance, the cycle of change, and communication in relationships. It's an approach that encourages the recognition and celebration of differences, while working together to create a harmonious union.

What about the yin yang couple?
The expression "Yin Yang couple" refers to a relationship or partnership where two individuals, representing the opposite and complementary aspects of yin and yang, come together to form a balanced harmony. In the context of interpersonal relationships, this idea is based on the notion that the differences between partners can be complementary and contribute to a dynamic balance.
A "Yin Yang couple" can be interpreted in different ways depending on the particular personality aspects, traits, energies and roles that each partner brings to the relationship. For example, one partner might represent the calmer, more receptive, reflective side (Yin), while the other may embody energy, action and strength (Yang). The idea is that these differences complement each other and contribute to the growth and balance of the relationship.
The Yin Yang couple image emphasizes mutual understanding, respect for differences, and collaboration to create overall harmony. It's a concept that can be applied in various areas of life, whether in love, family, friendships or even professional partnerships. The essence of this idea is to recognize and accept natural polarities, while working together to achieve a dynamic balance.
Yin Yang yoga
In today's yoga world, there are many different types of yoga practice. And depending on the practice you have stimulates either your yin or your yang side.
Stronger styles of yoga such as ashtanga, vinyasa, hot yoga and power yoga are all primarily yang yoga styles, as they are more focused on generating immense amounts of heat in the body.
Slower, gentler styles of yoga such as restorative yoga, yin yoga and gentle yoga are more focused on slowing down the body's movements and improving awareness and mindfulness, and are considered more yin in nature.

If you're interested in yoga and yoga practice, it's important to consider whether a yang-style practice or a yin-style practice might be more suitable for you.
Generally speaking, yang yoga isn't good for everyone and, in some cases, stressed and anxious people tend to practice a lot of yang-style yoga. Often, these people attend a yang yoga class and come out at the end still agitated and very nervous simply because many yang yoga styles are very challenging and fast-paced, meaning your mind has to be very quick to keep up. For these people, yin yoga styles would be much more beneficial to help them slow down. For those who already have a lot of heat in their body, who suffer from high blood pressure, high stress levels, have trouble sleeping and are easily agitated and nervous, yang yoga, is not recommended.
Similarly, those who are very yin by nature would benefit more from a yang-style yoga practice as it would greatly help them to stimulate their dormant energy potential and boost their metabolism and circulation. Yang-style yoga is ideal for those who feel stagnant or prone to depression, as both symptoms are typical signs that energy is blocked in the body, waiting to be activated. Yang helps us to activate and switch on our nervous system, which can easily take us out of unnecessary headspace and negative attitudes.
How to draw the yin yang?
Here's a cool tutorial on how to draw this symbol.
In conclusion
Yin and yang provide us with one of the simplest and most practical applications for studying and understanding the forces of nature.
The philosophy of yin and yang is one of mankind's oldest contributions, but its deeper understandings have been distorted and lost over time. And so modern man seems to rush here and there, without much guidance or direction, losing himself in the labyrinth of his own mind.
With the application of yin and yang in our daily lives, we can more easily tap into a source of energy far superior to our own personal willpower, which can not only serve as a guide, but also dissolve many struggles and prevent the loss of energy.
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Wikipedia https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yin_et_yang
Le pouvoir des symboles, Editions Trajectoire
Extracts from "The Yin and Yang Lifestyle Guide" by Michael Hetherington