The mystery of crop circles
It was in August 1980 that the first crop circle was discovered in Wiltshire, England, although some researchers claim that the phenomenon predates this date. It measured 18.3 meters in diameter and, like most crop circles, was structured around sacred geometry.
In 1981, three more circles appeared. Since then, the number and complexity of these circles have increased almost exponentially, and 120 circles were recorded between 1980 and 1987, then 112 for the year 1988. The maximum was reached in 1990 with 1000 circles - whatever the cause, this year was favourable for crop circles.
Definition of the crop circle
The expression "crop circle" was nvented by the British engineer Colin Andrews in the late 1970s. The translation " crop circle " is also found, but less often. "Agroglyph" is a neologism derived from agro- and glyph (literally "graphic representation in agriculture"). The study of the formation of geometric patterns in fields is "cereology" and people studying this subject are "cereologists".
A crop circle, or sometimes " agrigram, is a vast motive or set of geometrical motives realized in a field of cereals (generally of wheat) by bending and lying of the ears. Visible from the sky, these realizations can go from a simple circle of a few meters in diameter to compositions of several hectares comprising numerous geometrically arranged figures.
The origin of the crop circles that appeared in the English countryside is often questioned.
The shape of crop circles
It is from the sky that one must observe the crop circles to appreciate the pattern. The basic shape is obtained by flattening (without breaking) certain areas of the grain fields without leaving any marks. The cereals that form a crop circle are made to lie down in such a way that they draw a spiral winding up in the direction of the clock or the opposite.
On structures with multiple circles, some may wrap clockwise and others counter-clockwise. A single circle may also have two levels each winding in opposite directions.
The diameter of crop circles can vary from one meter to a few hundred meters. Until 1990, most were simple circular patterns, then they became more elaborate.
We then saw the emergence of crop circles with complex patterns made of intelligent pictograms. The geometry applied to most crop circles is as complicated as any type of sacred, human or natural geometry.
Drawings in the fields: their main characteristics
The "authentic crop circles" would be recognized by the existence of "exceptional" physical phenomena: "appearance in a few seconds or a few minutes (recorded by infrared cameras, visually)", "ears […] never broken or trampled but bent at the first node of the bottom, lying down, densely braided, often in a spiral direction", "strong magnetic anomalies", "powerful electromagnetic field only inside the forms, and more intense towards the center".
These explanations emanate from " energetic analyses by dowsing made by geobiologists". The presence of metals and rare radioactive isotopes is also mentioned, with "a radioactivity up to 350 times higher than normal". And the testimonies are not to be outdone: "Some visitors who venture inside authentic crop circles feel tingling in the body, dizziness, nausea, headaches […] but these phenomena cease as soon as they leave."
Wheat stalks with characteristicelongated and swollen nodes. Laboratory analyses" are put forward, affirming that the "growth nodes (pulvinus) of the ears of wheat [les épis couchés] are bigger and longer and under the microscope we can see spots in the cell tissue", proving that "an energy is at the origin of the phenomenon" similar to what we would obtain "by exposing an ear of wheat to microwaves".
Assuming this swelling, there is no need for microwaves or pulsed waves, a mechanical effect may be the cause. The plant having undergone a trauma "defends" itself, it will try to continue its growth and this will more or less lengthen the node. With a seed crushed by a mechanical process (board or tractor for example) the same aspect is obtained.
Transformed seeds. The use of seeds coming from the interior of a crop circle would offer a 27,9 % higher yield for an identical seed.
The origin of crop circles: explanations
Many theories have tried to explain the phenomenon of crop circles. Hypotheses evoke extraterrestrial activities and UFOs, the act of insomniac revelers or even balls of light charged with current.
There have of course been hoaxes, but the fact remains that these are highly sophisticated geometric formations, created, most often, during a single night.
Their geometry is partly very elaborate, and therefore probably unknown to simple pranksters, unless they occupy a chair of mathematics at the university.
There have been cases where the patterns were formed in a flash and in broad daylight.
For example, on a Sunday afternoon in July 1996, in 45 minutes, a huge spiral of 279 meters, composed of 151 circles appeared to everyone at the edge of the A303, opposite Stonehenge, in Wiltshire.
A pilot who was flying over the area, a shepherd and a security guard confirmed that it was not there before 5:30 pm. However, at 18H, all the tourists observed this gigantic structure. This proves that not all crop circles are made at night and that, in this case at least, no prankster with planks can be at the origin, in such a short time.
The crop circles of Wiltshire
Originating in Wiltshire, where many examples were observed, and particularly around ancient sacred sites such as Avebury or Silbury, crop circles began to appear in other countries such as the United States or Russia for example.
Interesting physical phenomena have been associated with some crop circle sites. These phenomena include magnetic anomalies, interference with electrical equipment such as cameras and tape recorders, and infrasound.
The Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire is home to both numerous military infrastructures and several lines of force.
We can then assume an origin linked to the energies of the ancient meridians of this area.
Cereal seeds collected from the circles tend to germinate more vigorously than other seeds in the field, and the flattened ears appear to have been altered at the cellular level rather than simply broken as they would have been by a combine harvester.
Crop circles in France in pictures
Crop circle in Sarraltroff in Moselle : the AstronoGeek hoax
One weekend in June 2018, a crop circle, about fifty meters across, appears in a wheat field near Sarraltroff in Moselle. Le Républicain Lorrain went to the site to accompany Umberto Molinaro presented as "the pope of crop circles […] the reference of references". The newspaper reports his words: "This crop is so elaborate. Each circle is linked to the others by particular relationships. It is alive, like in cathedrals or in front of a menhir. A human could not have done it.
Visible only from the sky, it raises many questions about its origin.
The precision, the size and the pattern itself seem so perfect that the common man begins to doubt the human origin of the apparition.
But now, two months later, the veil is lifted. These are youtubers who, with the authorization of the farmer of the wheat field, have made in the night a reproduction on a giant scale of a geometrical drawing imagined by them. It took them a little more than an hour, equipped with boards and strings, to realize their work. The whole thing was filmed and put online on the Internet, with explanations on how to proceed.
The youtuber Astronogeek has over 300,000 subscribers. He shatters all the paranormal and ufological hypotheses.
He posted Friday, August 24 a first part of a video in three parts entitled: "the Evidence"
Video of 45 minutes, in which he reveals, to the great displeasure of all the amateurs of small green men, that he is himself the author, composer, of this formidable circle of culture.
His youtubers friends, like Defakator, who also sails on the waves of demystification and dismantling of "fake news", spent a night to reproduce on a giant scale, a geometric drawing, imagined some time before.
With the authorization of the farmer of the wheat field.
One by one, all the hypotheses put forward to doubt the human character of the thing, are scientifically dismantled.
To conclude
For several years, the number of crop circles seems to be decreasing on a worldwide level. It is probable that the information now widely available (VECA report, non-sensationalist articles in the media, sites of crop circle authors explaining their realizations) has contributed to lift the veil on the mysterious side that was part of the success of the phenomenon
In France in 2017, a dozen crop circles would have appeared. The press, reporting on an event always spectacular, is now often more circumspect about its explanation. Le Parisien, about crop circles that appeared in the Cher in June 2017 indicates that, if "these forms are considered by some as esoteric messages addressed to extraterrestrials or to the beyond", the reality is however "less supernatural".
Whatever the case, it's up to each person to make their own opinion!
Whatever their origin, these works remain spectacular geometric forms that we never tire of admiring.
And you, what do you think of them?
Bonus: a report on crop circles
We arrive at the end of this article. I hope you have enjoyed it.
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Sacred Geometry at Vega Editions
Alain - 08/22/2024 20:36:50
Étrange oui .il y aurait eu de tels cercles il y a plusieurs centaines d'années.l'oeuvre du diable disait on à cette époque.origine extra terrestre ou autre,nous ne savons présence de ces cercles,est associée a d'autres phénomènes,que des humains ne peuvent pas réaliser.certaines semblent avoir transmis des messages en code binaire..... origine terrestre ou extra terrestre le mystère n'est pas résolu.ces phénomènes et d'autres que nous ne savons pas encore expliquer méritent que nous nous y interressions,méme si cela remet en cause tout ce que nous croyons actuellement.c'est passionnant.cordialement.
ruri - 02/05/2022 23:19:30
j'ai moi aussi vu 3 petites spheres blanches qui semblaient vivantes, elles étaient au-dessus de la maison,d'abord complètement immobiles puis soudain elles se sont mises à bouger très vite d'une manière non linéaire, vraiment comme si elles étaient vivantes. c'était en 2015 en france banlieue parisienne. et ce soir j'en ai encore vu deux ce sont des spheres dans lesquelles se trouvent des êtres venus du ciel qui ont une intelligence supérieure, et qui ont de très grands yeux. ils ont une capacité de télépathie, transmission d'images qu'ils ont vues qu'ils vous transmettent dans votre esprit. et ces créatures étaient déjà venues plusieurs fois sur la terre, elles étaient déjà venues du temps de l'egypte de pharaon et à cette époque là ils étaient très bien accueillis car ils venaient du ciel et ils étaient reconnus comme étant des envoyés du ciel. ces êtres sont absolument pacifiques et ils ont une intelligence qui nous dépasse. rien qu'à voir la perfection des formes qu'ils laissent sur nos sols nous donnent une idée d'une intelligence supérieure. ils ont aussi un vaisseau petit très léger et très rapide. je viens de découvrir aujourd'hui par hasard que parmi les catégories d'anges qu'on cite dans les prières juives, il y a les seraphins, les ophanims, les saint hayotts, et il est expliqué que les ophanims sont de forme circulaire et qu'ils ont des yeux pour nous regarder. le symbole des ophanims c'est une sphere volante avec des yeux pour observer. et merci pour ce reportage