Tetragrammaton: the enigma of the four letters and its deeper meaning

By : Veronique - Categories : All about symbols

Literally, “four-letter word”, the secret name of God in Hebrew letters yod-he-vau-he (YHWH), the Tetragrammaton, is a symbol sometimes unknown to the general public.

And yet for a long time, this symbol has fascinated and intrigued.

So today I suggest you go and meet this mysterious symbol. You will discover what is hidden behind these 4 sacred letters and how you can use this symbol in your daily life.


What is the Tetragrammaton?

Words have great power, and saying a word out loud “enables” the word. Names in particular have the most power, and there is no name more powerful than the Tetragrammaton. This magical name is sometimes drawn as the earlier Pythagorean Tetraktys, a sign that represents the Universe.

Literally, Tetragrammaton means “four-letter word” in Greek, YHWH, and refers to the secret name of the God of the Israelites, written in Hebrew. This name is so holy and so powerful that it can never be spoken except once a year on Yom Kippur by the High Priest in the Holy of Holies. To avoid using this name, it is called "The Name" or "Elohim" or "Adonai".

The letters of the name are yodh hev vav hev, and God is said to have explained to Moses that the name means “I will be” or “I am.” These letters are pronounced "ee ah or eh" (hence Jahweh) and will often be considered part of magical amulets or talismans.

The true Name of God is said to have 72 letters and was written on a long piece of paper hidden inside the jeweled breastplate of the High Priest. When the Name was invoked, the jewels lit up in a certain order, allowing the priest to communicate directly with God.

What's the difference between the Tetragram and the Tetragrammaton?

You can sometimes lose your Latin because the word "Tetragram" and the word "Tetragrammaton" look very similar. And then they're often used interchangeably. However, there are a few small subtleties to take into account.


• The “Tetragrammaton” refers to the set of four letters: YHWH, which represent the divine name of God.
• Moreover, etymologically, the word "tetragram" comes from ancient Greek and literally means "four letters". These are the four letters of the divine name in the Hebrew Bible.


• The “Tetragrammaton” is, for its part, a more specific term. It refers to the four-letter divine name, often written YHWH. This is the name of God as presented in the Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible.
• Ethnologically, the word “Tetragrammaton” also has Greek roots and means “four letters” (tetra: four, gramma: letter). It is used to describe the specific divine name rather than simply referring to a set of four letters.

I hope you managed to grasp this subtlety.

Origin and meaning of the Tetragrammaton

We do not know exactly what the origins of the Tetragrammaton are. It remains a mystery. All we can say is that this symbol has been used for a very, very long time. It is also most associated with Jewish tradition where the letters YHWH represent the divine name of God in the Hebrew Bible, and particularly in the Old Testament.

The divine name YHVH or Yod he Vau He: the name of God in Hebrew

In the customs of various peoples, a striking similarity emerges, stretching from India with its four-headed deities, to Egypt and Mexico with their quadrangular pyramids and the Sphinx. This convergence continues through Greece, where Pythagoras is said to have received the revelation of the sacred Tetrad, and into the Palestine of Jesus, where Christ is surrounded by the four Evangelists and the four Holy Animals, the same creatures that make up the Sphinx according to the Apocalypse. These similarities transcend geographical boundaries, illustrating a shared structure and understanding of man, the universe and God across time and civilization.

This Name is so deeply sacred that it is considered unpronounceable. It remains shrouded in mystery, a secret preserved in the temple of silence. Only those who transcend the human condition can claim to enter the divine realm. This is why the ancients called it the "Tetragrammaton", meaning the "Name of four letters". They wrote down only the consonants of this Name, for in their sacred alphabet, whether among the Jews or their Egyptian predecessors, vowels were considered magical. They possessed the power to confer soul on words, linking them to worlds and worlds.

In this sacred alphabet, reading and writing were seen as acts of the highest magic. Initiates, such as kabbalists and priest-magicians following in the footsteps of Enoch, held the power to synchronize with the higher intelligence hidden within words. This enabled them to pronounce these sacred names accurately and vividly, without altering their sacred meaning and vital essence.

The four letters of the Name of God have survived through the ages, from Egypt to Pythagoras. In his Golden Verses, Pythagoras blesses the one who passed on to him the secret of the divine tetrad, the four-letter Name of God. Pythagoras acquired this divine knowledge in the Mystery Temples of Egypt.

- The first letter, IOD, represents Osiris, the Father and wisdom of the starry cosmos.

- The second letter is HÉ, the great Isis, the Mother who weaves the sacred space of the temple in nature and in all the places of the universe where the flame of the Father is lit and honored.

- The third letter is OU (also written VAU or VAV), Horus, the Son of Light, the all-embracing, all-pervading Diamond Light. Nothing is outside it, for it contains All. It is also the power of the Holy Spirit, buried in every living being like a seed of immortality destined to blossom and become a ray of Light from the Sun-Truth, from Christ, the Master in all Masters.

- The fourth letter is the second HÉ, Pharaon, the Daughter, the great house of Father and Mother, the conscious will united with the Father in the present moment. This is God individualized in a body that realizes and becomes His will in action, even in the physical plane and reality of the earth.

The hidden magic of the Tetragrammaton in Tarot

In the Book of Revelation according to St. John, the Deity proclaims: "I am the Alpha and the Omega," referring to the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. In French, this could be expressed as "Je suis le A et le Z." In Aramaic or Hebrew, this statement takes the form of "I am the aleph and the tao," thus encompassing the entire alphabet, representing the Word of origins and animating all the letters.

In the symbolic universe of the Tarot, the first card embodies the Magus, the Son of God, positioned between the Father and the Mother (symbolized by the altar). In his hand, he holds the IOD in the form of a magic wand. In his other hand, he holds the talisman symbolizing the fourth letter, Pharaoh's cartouche. In front of him are the Pentacle of protection and the sword guarding the chalice, representing the second letter, and the cup, symbolizing the third letter of the Name of God. Thus, the first Tarot blade, corresponding to the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, aleph, evokes the transmission of the sacred Name, to be sanctified, which is the key to all the wisdom of the Father and the Kabbalah.

The infinity symbol above the magician's head on the Tarot card, also known as the Bateleur or Mage, is a significant element. This symbol generally represents the concept of infinity, eternity and unlimited potential.

The twenty-second letter, tao, finds its equivalent in the Tarot under the card called "The World." The crown, symbolizing the circle, perfection, royalty and ultimate fulfillment, is adorned with four flowers representing the four letters, the four divine manifestations. At the center of this ensemble sits the soul, the magician, who balances the worlds with purity and truth.

the magician in tarot
tetragrammaton in tarot

How to use the Tetragrammaton Pentacle?

If you look carefully at the symbol, you will notice that we find the Pentacle of protection (The Pentagram, symbol in the shape of a five-pointed star) with the Tetragrammaton inscribed or engraved inside.

Some people consider that symbols must be consecrated before using them. It's really a personal choice. In any case, if you wish to do so, I will give you the procedure to follow a little later in this article.

• Use it in protection rituals: If you wish to work with the Tetragrammaton Pentacle during your protection rituals, simply place it in your sacred space, on your altar for example, or carried on you to reinforce protection . Start by observing the outline of the symbol, its colors, its energy. Gently close your eyes and let it shine inside you, without putting any concepts into it.

• Meditate with the Pentacle: Using the symbols as a focal point during your meditation sessions is a great help. They help calm the mind, thoughts and facilitate spiritual connection.

• Work with associated elements: Each point of the Tetragrammaton Pentacle can be associated with an element (earth, air, fire, water and spirit). Depending on your intentions, you can choose to direct the pentacle towards a specific element to strengthen your energy work.

Importance of the Tetragrammaton in meditation

For practitioners of meditation and spirituality, the Tetragrammaton becomes a powerful focal point. Some claim that repeating these sacred letters can lead to a deeper spiritual connection, opening the way to a higher understanding of the self and the universe. You can use this powerful symbol if you wish to obtain divine help.

In conclusion, the Tetragrammaton remains a subject of fascination for researchers, believers and the curious. Its impact on culture, religion and spirituality continues to provoke debate and inspire those who seek to explore divine mysteries that transcend the boundaries of language.

tetragrammaton meditation

How do I activate the Tetragrammaton?

If you have followed me this far, you will understand that the Tetragrammaton is not something that is “activated” mechanically. It is a sacred word that must be considered with respect, whatever your beliefs and practices.

This does not prevent us from using this powerful symbol for meditation or other practices, for example. Symbols in general allow us a deeper connection with ourselves and with the universe.

The Tetragrammaton: protective talisman

The Tetragrammaton, represented by the four sacred letters YHWH, is often considered a powerful symbol and powerful talisman of protection. We also find the Pentagram which is a symbol of protection in essence.

You can wear it as is around your neck. But you can go even further, if you wish of course, by dedicating it.

Here's how to do it concretely.

First of all, start by choosing your Tetragrammaton talisman, whether it is in the form of a ring or pendant, or printed on a harmonizing disk.

Consecrate it by holding it in your hands and setting a conscious intention of protection. You can say a prayer, an incantation, or simply focus your thoughts on the purification and protection you seek.

Next, carry the Tetragrammaton talisman with you, ideally close to your heart. No matter what support you use, the main thing is to keep it close to you to benefit from its protection. For example, you can put a Tetragrammaton harmonizing disc in your handbag or clutch.

If you know you are going to face a difficult situation, take a moment to visualize the Tetragrammaton and imagine the divine light emanating from the letters surrounding you like a protective shield.

Periodically, you can renew your intention to protect your talisman.

I draw your attention to the fact that the effectiveness of a talisman largely depends on the faith, intention and connection you have with the symbol. It is a powerful talisman of protection against negative energies, but it is not a magic wand either!

A final word

To conclude, the Tetragrammaton reveals itself not only as a deeply sacred symbol, but also as a protective talisman imbued with spiritual power. Its four letters, YHWH, represent much more than characters; they embody divine connection and benevolent presence. Using the Tetragrammaton as a protective talisman goes beyond the mere materialization of a symbol; it is an invocation of divine forces, an affirmation of faith, and a quest for spiritual protection.

Whether through meditation, the wearing of a consecrated talisman, or integration into protective rituals, the Tetragrammaton offers a path to inner peace and spiritual security. Considering it as a symbolic key opening the doors to wisdom and divine connection, everyone can personalize their approach according to their deepest convictions.

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