Sacred Geometry: Seed of Life

A captivating symbol steeped in mystery and intrigue, the Seed of Life transcends the boundaries of time and space, evoking a harmonious fusion of sacred numbering, sacred geometry and vibrational practices.
This figure, often depicted as a tripod of life, embodies the essential vibration of the seed, symbolizing the energy of growth and universal love that resonates through every round cell. Closely linked to cathedral builders, shamans and ancient civilizations, the Seed of Life carries divine codes and vital information for the human world. The multiplication of circles in this specific waveform reveals the conditions conducive to biological life on earth, establishing a connection between the temples of Abydos and the beneficial levels of this enigmatic seed.
At the heart of this symbolism, the central part becomes a gateway to an unexplored dimension, marking the first step in a succession of many seeds, each containing the keys to life on earth and the secrets of ancient temples.
The Seed of Life, a veritable spiritual treasure, transcends the boundaries of the tangible and intangible, illuminating the path of those who seek to understand the mysteries of our existence.
What is the Seed of Life symbol?
The Seed of Life is a sacred geometric symbol composed of several equal circles, arranged to create a complex figure. This figure is often represented as a hexagonal pattern, with a central circle surrounded by six identical circles, each tangent to the adjacent and central circles. The outer circles are positioned in such a way as to form a harmonious, balanced pattern.
The Seed of Life is formed of seven circles arranged in six-fold symmetry, forming a pattern of circles and lenses, which are a basic component of the Flower of Life design.
The first day is supposed to be the creation of the sphere, the second day the creation of the vesica piscis, the third day the creation of the "tripod of life", followed by an additional sphere on each subsequent day until the seven spheres build the "seed of life"
The Seed of Life is an extension of the Flower of Life symbol, which is created by adding more circles to the Seed of Life.
This symbol is associated with various spiritual, esoteric and mystical meanings. Some see it as representing universal creation, growth, vital energy and harmony. It is also linked to sacred geometry, which explores the shapes and proportions considered sacred in various esoteric and spiritual traditions around the world. The Seed of Life is often used in meditative, spiritual and artistic practices, and is interpreted in different ways according to specific beliefs and traditions.

What's the difference between the Seed of Life and the Flower of Life?
The Seed of Life and the Flower of Life are two closely related symbols, but there are subtle differences in their composition and meanings.
The Seed of Life is usually represented as a hexagonal pattern consisting of a central circle surrounded by six equal circles, each tangent to the adjacent circles and the central circle. This pattern is a preliminary step to the formation of the Flower of Life.
The Flower of Life, on the other hand, is created by adding further circles to the Seed of Life. It consists of several interlaced circles, forming a complex, symmetrical geometric figure. The Flower of Life is often depicted as a circular pattern of multiple petals, each petal formed by repeating the pattern of the Seed of Life. It is considered a universal symbol of creation, interconnection and harmony.
In short, the Seed of Life is an initial stage, a tripod of life, which evolves to create the Flower of Life, a more complex and expansive pattern. Both symbols are associated with spiritual and esoteric meanings, exploring sacred geometry and the fundamental principles of universal creation.
In the beginning: the circle
We often tend to forget it, but the origin was the circle.
The circle is the symbol of the universe, the symbol of the great All. Empty, it represents the inanimate universe, chaos.
This empty circle can signify the end of one cycle or the beginning of another. The world has not yet been created, consciousness has not yet awakened, but all possibilities are there, waiting to be put into action. It's free energy that hasn't yet been polarized. The empty circle is like a cell without a nucleus.
This symbol of the empty circle is very powerful. It is the ultimate goal of the philosopher's and yogi's spiritual quest; to reach or taste emptiness (the state of being empty) is to pass through to the other side of the mirror.
Empty and full at the same time, the beginning and end of a manifestation.
In Hindu and Buddhist Tantrism, its symbolism represents the evolution and involution of the universe in relation to a central point.
Vesica Piscis
Vesica Piscis, or Mandorla, is a Latin term literally meaning fish bladder. It defines the sacred geometric figure that appears at the intersection of two equal circles passing through the center of each.
It is said that even before the Christian era, this symbol already carried the meaning of "vulva" or "womb". The mother goddess was often depicted with her bosom and buttocks full and her vulva visible.
This is also what the Vesica Piscis represents, which the Christians later adopted as their symbol, turning it 90°, long before Calvary became their major symbol.
Early Christians in the Roman Empire had to protect themselves by keeping their meeting places secret. To indicate the location of their next meeting, they developed the symbol of the Vesica Piscis, to which they added a tail (a fish) so they could draw it in chalk on the walls and then erase them.

This almond-shaped figure is often used in Romanesque or Gothic architecture.
At the intersection of the mandorla's two circles, a person is seated. It thus indicates the person through whom one must pass to traverse the path between the two circles, the two hemispheres or the two worlds, one terrestrial and the other celestial. The placement of Christ in a mandorla on the tympanum of the church door reveals the symbolism of the passage from outside the church to inside the church, and thus prefigures the passage of the living from the earthly to the heavenly world. The mandorla is used to express a passageway or doorway .
Its proportions are based on the golden ratio.
The Vesica Piscis symbol evokes the first mitosis of the original cosmic cell, symbolized by the circle with its central point. It is the division of unity that creates duality. This duality is found in Yin Yang, for example.

The Triquetra or Tripod of Life
After the Vesica Piscis comes the Triquetra, a motif made up of three Vesica Pisces.
If, like me, you were addicted to the Charmed series in the late 1990s, you're bound to recognize this symbol!
In the Charmed series, the Halliwell sisters possess a powerful and coveted book of witchcraft, the Book of Shadows, handed down from generation to generation. The book contains formulas, potions and information on their enemies, most of whom are demons.
The book has been created in such a way that it can self-protect by moving should any demon attempt to seize it.
The Halliwell family symbol adorns the cover of the book, the triquetra, symbol of the Power of Three.

The triquetra was used as a sacred symbol in a number of pagan religions, including Celtic and Germanic paganism, before Antiquity. In the neo-pagan religion of Wicca, the triquetra symbolizes the Triple Goddesses of the Moon; and also its three kingdoms of Earth, Sky and Sea. In the Christian religion, the Tripod of Life was used to symbolize the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; the Trinity.
Symbolism of the number 7
Sacred geometry examines repeating patterns in the universe as evidence of the building blocks of existence. So it's worth taking a closer look at the number 7, which appears prominently in our world and culture.
- Colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
- The 7 chakras or energy fields of our body: Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara.
- The creation of the world in seven days, as stated in the Book of Genesis.
- Moreover, the number of days in a week is a highly symbolic number for Jews and Christians, six days during which God / Elohim fashioned the world (Creation), to which is added a day of abstention and rest, called Shabbat in Genesis.
- New Testament: The number 7 is said to be the sum of the Holy Trinity and the four corners of the world.
- The Book of Revelation also features the number 7 several times, as a reference to seven letters to seven churches, seven spirits before the throne of God, seven golden candlesticks, seven stars in Christ's right hand, seven seals of God's judgment and seven angels with seven trumpets.
- Hinduism: There are seven upper worlds and seven lower worlds.
- Islam: The Koran mentions seven heavens. And in Mecca, Muslims circle the Kaaba seven times.
- In Buddhism, there are seven stages to enlightenment: full awareness, investigation, effort, joy, tranquility, concentration and equanimity.
The message of the Seed of Life
The message of the Seed of Life transcends the boundaries of the tangible to explore the depths of spirituality and creation. At its heart, this symbol evokes infinite potential, the energy of growth and fulfillment. The interconnected circles symbolize the unity of all things in the universe, underlining the notion of interdependence and the constant evolution of life.
The vibration of the Seed of Life is an invitation to meditate on the cyclical nature of existence, highlighting the cycles of birth, growth, decline and rebirth. It also embodies universal love, suggesting that every being is linked by a fundamental energy that transcends physical and material barriers.
By exploring concepts of sacred geometry, the Seed of Life unveils divine patterns and codes essential to understanding our place in the cosmos. Used as a tool in vibrational, artistic, meditative and therapeutic practices, this symbol offers a path to deep understanding of the self, universal harmony and the mysteries of existence. In short, the Seed of Life invites us to contemplate the infinite richness of life and to connect with the creative energy that pulses through every element of our reality.
Where to buy a Seed of Life?
We offer you magnificent Sees of Life pendants to let this wonderful symbol shine in and around you.
Wearing the Seed of Life pendant enables us to see others as ourselves, as the vibratory level of this line is very high. This symbol is recommended for promoting spiritual connection, restoringinner harmony, erasing heartache and finding peace.
Discover our Seed of Lifecollection
Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of the Seed of Life with our exclusive collection of items created and printed with care in France. Each piece in our collection is imbued with the captivating symbolism and vibrancy of the Graine de Vie, a sacred geometric pattern that transcends the boundaries of time and spirituality.
These unique items capture the energy of growth, universal harmony and the profound connection between all things. Whether you're passionate about sacred geometry, meditation, vibrational practices or simply looking for something inspiring, our Seed of Life collection offers a diverse range of items, from artistic works to everyday objects.
Each creation is the result of meticulous attention to detail and our commitment to quality.
Explore our collection and let yourself be carried away by the timeless beauty of the Seed of Life, a powerful symbol of meaning and energy.
Embrace the opportunity to surround yourself with these unique treasures, witnesses to the fusion of art, spirituality and French artisanal excellence. Discover the magic of the Graine de Vie with our exceptional collection, where each item becomes a doorway to a dimension of inspiration and beauty.

Our Seed of Life collection
How do you draw a Seed of Life?
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