Origin, meaning and power of the Triskelion
The Triskelion, which belongs to Buddhist and Celtic traditions, appears in various forms in many artworks and sculptures. It is made up of a shape repeated three times to produce a wheel-shaped pattern.
Traditionally, the Triskelion may appear as three tears, three fish, three intertwined spirals or the three legs which give it its Greek meaning (as in the symbols of the Isle of Man and Sicily).
The Triskelion is a symbolic representation of the importance of the number 3 and a solar symbol similar to the Swastika.
In this article, let's dive into the heart of this enigmatic symbol, exploring its origins, its rich cultural heritage and the multiple esoteric meanings it holds.
What is the origin of the triskelion - Triskele?
In this article we will use alternatively Triskele and Triskelion.
Celtic symbol? Is the Triskelion Breton?
Contemporary Bretons as well as tourists who visit Brittany or learn the gavotte during the Festival de Cornouaille in Quimper or the Festival Interceltique in Lorient are all convinced that the triskel is, next to the ermine and the kouign-amann, one of the emblems of eternal Brittany. It is enough for them to frequent the souvenir stores to be convinced of it. In reality, the success of the triskel as a Celtic symbol seems quite recent in Armorica.
And so, although it is commonly said that the Triskelion is of Celtic origin, the reality is a little bit different.
The word Triskele comes from the Greek "Triskelês" which means three-legged. The symbolism of the Triskelion has been interpreted in many ways. It is a symbol representing three human legs, or three intertwined spirals. It is primarily a good luck charm but originally it was meant to be a solar symbol.
Contrary to popular belief, this is not a uniquely Celtic symbol. It is a much older symbol than the Celts as it can be found for example on inscriptions from the Nordic Bronze Age or on engravings from the Irish megalithic period.
According to Wikipedia, this symbol has been found since the Neolithic period in various cultures and periods, the oldest representations are found on the megalithic temples of Malta. This symbol can be found at the Neolithic tomb of Newgrange dated 3,200 BC, at the site of Bru na Boinne, Ireland.
Newgrange is one of the most famous archaeological sites in Ireland, located north of Dublin. It is a tumulus of 85 meters in diameter inside which we reach the burial chamber by a long covered passage. It is part of a whole of prehistoric sites called Bru na Boinne. In the form of engraving, it is present in several places in particular on one of the large stones placed of song in front of the entry of the monument. This symbol would nevertheless have been carved 2500 years before the Celtic presence in Ireland.
A Triskel representing three legs rotating around a central axis occupied by a human head, counter-clockwise, has been present on the flag of Sicily since 1285. This symbol also exists since 1931 on the flag of the Isle of Man with the same representation, also in the center of the flag but, instead of being naked, the legs are armed.
The same symbol also appears in the Japanese Tomoe. A tomoe is an ancient heraldic symbol of Japan. It is a whirlpool or vortex, with three branches facing right or left.
Like the swastika, the Triskel has also been used as a symbol by Nazi organizations that claimed to be Nordic in inspiration.
What is the meaning of the Triskelion - Triskele ?
The symbolism of the Triskele or Triskelion
According to archaeologists and historians, the meaning of the Triskelion is primarily solar, structured on the number 3.
It is a cyclic and active symbol.
The symbolism of the number 3
The Triskelion represents the law of the trinity. This law allows the creative principle to manifest itself in its creation. The law of Trinity is found in the Celtic religion and in all religions and in many philosophies in general because it is inescapable.
● Number representing the Holy Trinity, it is also the number of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity.
● Number of the man because this one is composed of a body, a soul and a spirit.
● Symbol of the compass.
● Perfect number according to the Chinese.
● Favorable number associated with childbirth and birth.
● Sacred number of the woman among the Mayans.
● Expresses totality, probably because there are three dimensions to time: past, present and future.
● For the Egyptians, 3 is the number of the cosmos, which has three elements: heaven, earth and duat (the area surrounding the intermediate world between the earth and the heavenly spirits).
What are the 3 elements of the triskelion?
The Triskelion could thus represent several elements:
● The three points of the sun's horizon movement: sunrise, zenith and sunset.
● The stages of the life cycle: birth, life, death.
● The different states of a single being namely "wakefulness", "sleep" and "dream".
● Expression of the mother earth in its 3 vital phases: youth, middle age and old age.
● The three dynamic elements: water, air, fire. The earth is the center of it.
● The flowing time: past, present, and future
● The 3 phases of the lunar cycle: the waxing moon, the full moon, and the waning moon.
● 1+1=3: the male and female principle that unite to give life
● Etc.
The ancients codified their knowledge in circles; the circle of the Gods and Goddesses, the circle of the totemic animals, the circle of the colors, the circle of the winds, the circle of the trees, the circle of the minerals...Three circles are necessary for the awareness of the human with the different forms of the divine (the terrestrial divine and the air divine). The Triskelion is one of these primary circles, one of these three circles without which one cannot begin an approach to understanding this world.
It is found in many religious buildings.
The Triskelion, symbol of good luck and life
The very shape of the Triskelion as a wheel also reminds us that it is a principle of life linked to the fundamental notion of natural cycles: life, death, rebirth.
This is what nature shows us through the magic of its seasons.
It links us to a symbolism of fertility and fecundity. This is what we find in the spirals that compose it. This aspect linked to the mother earth is very important.
The spiral shape of the branches of the Triskelion is a symbol of life, dynamism and enthusiasm in opposition to everything that is straight and seems to be frozen. It is therefore the movement, the life. In Breton, it means the "three rays". Some people compare it to the sun, because it looks with its three branches in the three directions and seems to watch the universe.
A universal symbol of movement and the cycle of life, the Triskelion combines the harmony of sacred geometry with a symbolism that links us to the laws of nature. Somehow it is the link between the forces of the earth and the celestial and cosmic forces.
Positive Triskele vs. negative Triskele: does the sense of rotation of the Triskele matter?
I talked about the subject in my article on the swastika ("Why Hitler Used the Swastika").
The Triskele and the swastika are similar in shape and the pattern is done in both directions. This pattern represents a positive or negative circular activation of energy in motion and can be used to promote it.
When the circles of the Triskele turn to the left, in a depression direction (senestrogyre), it will rather disperse the energy. When the circles turn to the right (dextrogyre), anticyclonic direction, it will energize. We find here the symbolism of the Celtic war dances which always begin by turning to the left, a manifestation of challenge and hostility, but which always end up to the right, a sign of victory. In the same way, Breton dances always turn to the right to symbolize joy, gladness.
The initial direction of rotation of the Triskele
To support this, I found a very interesting numismatic survey about the Triskele. And here is what it says:
Traditionally, the initial triskele is associated with a symbolism of solar origin according to a reasoning that is easy to understand. An observer located in the northern hemisphere and who wishes to follow with his eyes the course of the sun in the sky must turn towards the south. He then sees this race from East to West, therefore from his left to his right. For him, such a race in the sky is dextrogyratory just like the rotation of the wheel produced by the legs of the triskel. So the chariot of the divinized Sun always rolls in the sky from East to West, therefore from the left to the right of this observer.
We are expatriate Bretons. And in Brittany, well, we see the Triskele turning to the left almost always... And everyone reproduces it this way on jewelry or other. It's a pity because the meaning is really important from an energy point of view.
But, we realize that this story of rotation is not so simple that the interpretations diverge on the subject.
So, the easiest way is to let your intuition guide you! And that's why we now offer you the Triskele with both directions of rotation.
The terms positive Triskele and negative Triskele should not be taken literally. They simply refer to the direction of rotation of the symbol.
How to use the Triskelion and where to place a Triskelion in the home?
● The Triskelion is a very effective symbol to rebalance our energy state.
● Placing a positive Triskelion under your food, drinks, seeds and food supplements helps to energize them.
● You can place your stones, minerals on this symbol to cleanse and recharge them.
● You can also hang a positive Triskelion on the wall to reharmonize certain rooms or stick a triskelion sticker on the window.
● For a use in therapy, a priori it is possible to operate on the body with the 2 polarities of the Triskelion according to the care to be lavished: positive rotation to dynamize or negative to disperse.
The Triskelion can be used in many ways, whether as a decorative element or for your spiritual practices. We have designed all our articles with this in mind.
For example, you can hang a Triskelion canvas on a wall in your home, such as in the living room or bedroom. Placed in the bedroom, this symbol of transformation will create an atmosphere of renewal and growth.
Use the Triskelion as a meditation object. Sit comfortably, hold the harmonizing disk in your hands and meditate on its meanings, focusing on its energy and what it represents to you.
If you have an altar at home or a space dedicated to meditation you could place it on your spiritual altar. This can help you connect with the energies of the symbol.
And then, we don't necessarily think about it but placing a symbol in the entrance to your house (or above your front door), while putting a specific intention there, such as protection, allows you to keep certain unwanted energies outside your home and create a welcoming and positive atmosphere.
Why wear a Triskelion?
The Triskelion is a very effective symbol for reactivating your consciousness to the reality of the principle of the Trinity law. This symbol is also an excellent rebalancer which can act on your energetic state.
An important feature of the symbol is the three spirals rotating in a common direction which can be interpreted as a symbol of progression, movement and constant evolution in life. The three branches of the Triskele can symbolize the harmony between mind, body and soul, as well as the balance between these three aspects of our being. Wearing a Triskel pendant allows you to consciously connect to the powerful symbolism of the symbol.
And let's not forget that the Triskelion is considered a symbol of protection and good luck. You can wear it as an amulet or talisman.
And even if the symbolism of the Triskelion still seems a little obscure to you, let your heart speak if the symbol attracts you! We are naturally drawn to what we need.
Triskele tattoo: good or bad idea?
We don't want to mislead you by the choice of this symbol. If you are not convinced by the direction of rotation to adopt for your tattoo, don't!
The reason for your choice may be one of the reasons mentioned above, or it may be your own intuition. That's why I always insist that you follow your intuition, rather than fashion or other effects.
And you, tell us everything!
Do you usually use the Triskel? And if so, in which direction of rotation?
Where to buy a Triskelion?
If you are looking for a Triskelion, you have come to the right place! Mandalashop is your sacred geometry symbol specialist with more symbols on offer. We create and print all Triskelion items by hand in our workshop.
You will surely find your happiness on our shop.
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Mandalashop - 05/11/2020 17:40:21
Bonjour, Je ne connais pas l'auteur que vous citez. Toutefois, les spécialistes des symboles s'accordent sur la symbolique du Triskel sénéstrogyre et son aspect plutôt belliqueux. Vous noterez que j'ai indiqué qu'on peut l'utiliser de droite à gauche et qu'il a ainsi un effet de dispersion. C'est un aspect que je cherche à développer car personnellement je pense que si certains peuples ont utilisé des symboles comme le Triskel ou la Swastika avec un sens de rotation sénestrogyre, il y a bien une raison! Si vous avez des sources, référentiels, qui abordent le sujet, je suis preneuse.
de Seigneux Conso / Ousset - 05/11/2020 16:13:10
Bonjour, je pratique le Référentiel de Naissance (thème tarologique) et il se lit en tournant vers la gauche; G.Colleuil (son créateur) nous avait expliqué que c'est le sens de rotation de l'univers (ce que l'on retrouve dans la physique quantique, cf.G.Grabovoï). Du coup, j'apprends par vous-même qu'énergétiquement ce serait belliqueux … ???