How to recharge your stones with the Flower of Life

By : Veronique - Categories : Routines and rituals

At the heart of the mystical world of lithotherapy, the use of the Flower of Life to recharge gemstones emerges as a captivating and deeply meaningful practice. This decorative motif of transcendent beauty is much more than a simple image of a flower.

It embodies the essence of creation, a sacred geometry composed of outer circles that emanate from the central circle, creating a series of geometric figures, including the Seed of Life and the Fruit of Life. Inspired by Plato's solids, this artistic representation was discovered in the Temple of Osiris, symbolizing life.

Leonardo da Vinci himself explored it in his studies, adding an artistic and mystical dimension to its use. Today, the Flower of Life is presented as a key to recharging rough and polished stones, such as lapis lazuli, rose quartz or amethyst, by harmonizing their vibratory rates.

This article explores the depths of this age-old technique, revealing how this symbol of sacred geometry can be the key to revitalizing natural stones, raising their energy to new vibratory heights.

recharge stones and crystals

What is the role of the Flower of Life?

The role attributed to the Flower of Life varies according to the spiritual and esoteric traditions that regard it as a sacred symbol. Globally, it is often interpreted as representing cosmic order, universal harmony and divine perfection. Its intricate geometric pattern is considered to carry profound meanings, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all life and the fundamental unity of all things.

It is often used as a meditation and visualization tool to promote inner peace, energetic balance and spiritual upliftment. The presence of this symbol in the environment can purify energy, raise vibrations and promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. In short, the role of the Flower of Life is to serve as a powerful and inspiring symbol, offering potential access to higher levels of consciousness and transforming energies.

The different methods for purifying and recharging stones

By transmitting its strength, a stone loses its power. Minerals can also become charged with negative vibrations. It is therefore important to purify them and then recharge them regularly before each use.

Finally, certain precautions must be taken when purifying and recharging, as not all stones can withstand the indications mentioned below.

Stone purification

Purification with water: the simplest form of purification is with running water. Spring water is preferable to tap water. Simply place the stones in a container and let the cold water run for a few minutes, then leave to stand for an hour, adding coarse salt if necessary for a stronger effect.

Purification with sea salt: place coarse salt in a wooden or stoneware container. Place the stones on top and cover with salt. Rock salt can also be used.

Purification by visualization: this is a quick and effective technique, provided you know how to use it. Hold the crystal in your hands and visualize positive energy flowing into the crystal, sweeping away any negative or undesirable effects. You visualize a stream of pure, clear spring water flowing through the crystal, carrying away all impurities and transforming them into positive energy.

Purification by breath: use only lightly charged stones.

Purification by incense or sage: simply pass the stone through the incense smoke. Choosenatural incense.

Purification by sound: simply tint the bell or place the crystals in a crystal or Tibetan bowl, and the resulting resonance will decontaminate a large number of crystals.

Purification by shape waves: there are two solutions here.

- The first is to use a scallop shell, preferably fresh and not frozen, and place the stone to be purified in the center of the shell, facing north (this is an important detail).

- The second is to use symbols, such as the Flower of Life, Metatron's Cube and so on. In fact, all the symbols of sacred geometry, as long as they are structured on perfect proportions.

sage purification

Recharging stones

Purification / recharging with soil: malachite, fossil woods and calcites like to rest on plant soil. In borderline cases of intense use, they can be buried for a month, to recharge the stones.

Recharging in the sun: exposure to the rising sun, for varying lengths of time depending on the rock to be recharged. Caution: some stones may fade if exposed for too long.

Recharging with the moon: same procedure as for recharging with the sun.

Recharging with flames: expose near a fireplace or candle flame.

Recharging with form waves / sacred geometry symbols.

Which stone to recharge?

amethyst to recharge crystals

Recharging with a quartz group: place the stone to be recharged on a quartz group for a few hours, or place it in the hollow of an amethyst geode.

As you can see, there are many different methods of purification and recharging, and you shouldn't risk damaging your stones.

If you put a stone that can't stand the sun or the moon, your stone will lose its color and properties.

So, honestly, stop worrying!

I often see on Facebook groups: "When is the next full moon?

With sacred geometry symbols, like the Flower of Life, you'll stop asking yourself all these questions.

No more worrying about which method matches your stones (when you remember the name of each one!).

No more worrying about when the next full moon is.

What are the powers, virtues and benefits of the Flower of Life symbol?

Everything around us emits a wave, even if we can't see it with the naked eye. In the same way, all forms emit waves. The action and power of these waves depend on the form itself. This is what we call a wavelenght form.

Geometric shapes, based on the golden ratio, have perfect proportions. The more a shape is based on divine proportion, the greater its influence will be, as it will be closer to cosmic archetypes.

The Flower of Life has existed since the dawn of time.

The image of the Flower of Life can be found not only in Ireland, Turkey, England, Israel and Egypt, but also in China, Tibet, Greece and Japan. It can be found virtually everywhere.

Based on perfect proportions, this geometrical shape is recognized everywhere for energizing and harmonizing. It is linked to the energy of life.

Here are some of the aspects most often attributed to the Fleur de Vie:

1. Energy harmonization: the Flower of Life has the power to harmonize energies. Placing this sacred figure in a space, whether a room or a wider environment, seeks to balance and harmonize energy vibrations.

2. Renewing vital energy: Some practitioners use the Flower of Life to regenerate vital energy. It is often used as a tool to restore energetic balance in body and mind.

3. Reinforcing the properties of crystals: Flower of Life is frequently used in lithotherapy to recharge crystals and precious stones. It amplifies and intensifies the vibratory properties of the associated stones.

4. Spiritual growth: Meditating on the Flower of Life can promote spiritual growth by expanding consciousness and opening doors to deeper levels of understanding.

5. Creation and manifestation: As a motif representing the creation of the universe, the Flower of Life is sometimes used in manifestation practices. Some use it to help realize intentions and desires.

Power of the Flower of Life in lithotherapy

In lithotherapy, the Flower of Life is considered a powerful source of energy and a valuable tool for amplifying the benefits of crystals and gemstones. It is widely used to cleanse and recharge stones. It is the simplest, most effective and often the most economical method for this purpose. Here are just a few aspects of the Flower of Life's power in lithotherapy:

1. Energetic crystal recharging: the Flower of Life is used as a means of recharging crystals and gemstones. By placing stones in the center of this sacred geometric figure, they are believed to absorb the positive energy emanating from the Fleur de Vie, regenerating their energetic properties.

2. Amplification of vibratory properties: The Flower of Life is considered a natural amplifier of the vibratory properties of crystals. It acts as a catalyst, reinforcing and harmonizing the energies emitted by the stones, offering a more powerful synergy.

3. Chakra harmonization: Some lithotherapy practitioners use the Flower of Life to promote chakra harmonization. By placing this sacred figure close to the body or meditating on it, they hope to balance the energy centers, thus contributing to physical and emotional well-being.

Buy a Flower of Life to purify and recharge stones and bracelets

Whether for :

- Recharging stone bracelets
- Recharging rough or rolled stones

We've got just what you need.

purify bracelets


Our wooden Flower of Life harmonizing disk is a must-have.

This 9 cm-diameter disc fits easily into your bag and you can take it with you wherever you go.

And we've designed and created our collections with multiple uses in mind.

Which means that with your disk you can not only:
- Clean and recharge your stone bracelets, rough stones or rolled stones, but also,
- Place your glass or bottle on it to energize your water,
- Put it under your pillow to sleep better.


You can place many more stones on the tray, but you can also hang it on the wall as a Flower of Life wall decoration if you wish, once recharging is complete.

The tray has the same lacquered coating as the harmonizing disk, making it a beautiful object to bring into the home.


You might not think about it, but even on a Flower of Life or Metatron's Cube mouse pad or harmonizing mat, you can clean and recharge your stones.

How to use the Flower of Life?

Simply place your stones, jewels and bracelets on the Flower of Life disk or tray.

How to activate and cleanse a Flower of Life? Does it need to be purified?

I know that many of you have questions. What you need to remember is that the Flower of Life, a sacred geometry symbol used for centuries, is a waveform that naturally releases its beautiful energies.

You therefore don't need to activate or cleanse it, unless you feel that the support needs to be energetically cleansed. In this case, I recommend you pass your support through the white sage smoke.

Likewise, you don't need to purify it, as it recharges and radiates continuously.

This makes it an indispensable everyday tool that you don't need to worry about.

how to charge crystals with the flower of life

Does the Flower of Life recharge all stones?

The answer is YES! As long as the size of your stone matches the support! If you put a large amethyst druse on a 2 cm Flower of Life, the effect will be much less effective.

How long does it take to reload a stone?

The state of loading also depends on the state of unloading of your stones. So, unless you're very sensitive and able to measure it, to ensure effective cleansing and recharging, we advise you to place your stones on the Flower of Life in the evening before going to bed, and to collect them in the morning.

How often should I recharge my stones?

First and foremost, stones should be cleaned and recharged immediately after purchase, as they are charged with the energy of the people who handled them before. This should also be done after each use. If they are mounted on jewelry, they need to be cleaned and recharged every week.

Then, the answer depends on how you use your stones, your environment and your energy.

For this reason, we advise you to clean and recharge them at least once a week.

Listen to how you feel.

Buy Flower of Life supports to recharge stones

We create and print the widest choice of Flowers of Life on the market, as well as many other symbols. We also offer different supports for your wonders.

When it comes to choosing colors, knowing that we've created a dozen different models of Fleurs de Vie, it's sometimes difficult to choose.

We've covered this subject in a dedicated article. In lithotherapy, we advise you to choose a Flower of Life chromatically close to the color of your stones, or a more neutral model such as the white Flower of Life, or the 7-ray Flower of Life model (with the colors of the 7 chakras).

Flower of Life to print on paper for recharging stones

You can also print a 2D Flower of Life for your stones. Remember to laminate it for longer storage.

A final word

Reloading stones requires a certain amount of care. As each stone is different, you can't choose the method at random, at the risk of damaging your precious minerals. Ideally, this type of question should be asked at the time of purchase. However, the safest way is still to use the Fleur de Vie or other sacred geometry symbols such as the Cube of Metatron etc., which enable you to recharge all types of stones safely and at any time.

And to all those who tell me that you don't need a Flower of Life to cleanse and recharge, and that a simple scallop shell is enough, I say yes. Except that it's more difficult to put a bottle of water in the shell or put the shell under your pillow.

And finally, the strength of our concept is that it combines the symbols of sacred geometry with chromotherapy (the benefits of colors). Even more benefits at your fingertips.

We've come to the end of this article. I hope you enjoyed it.

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Sources :

The mystique of stones White Sadhu Publishers

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