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For a happy, zen pregnancy

- Categories : Health and wellness

Pregnancy is a time of joy and pure happiness, but also a great source of worry and change for the mother-to-be. The body undergoes major transformations, and many changes will affect the life of the mother-to-be. It's therefore normal to experience a certain amount of anxiety during pregnancy.

The Mandala can be a wonderful way of managing emotions and achieving serenity.

Well, I have to say that my late pregnancy went rather well. I made conscious choices to ensure that this period went well. I made sure I stopped work earlier than necessary, I chose to give birth at home in a birthing pool with a midwife, I took a year's parental leave and... I quit my job where I was making a very good living. There are times in life when, looking back, you do things differently. These choices were perfect for me. The important thing is to have all the keys we need to make the choices that suit us best.

A period rich in upheaval

Pregnancy is a time of change and upheaval. It can raise many questions and concerns. What's more, the many hormonal changes sometimes increase emotional difficulties. As a result, some women become a little more anxious. I had a very demanding job with a lot of responsibility, and I remember that at one point I got really angry too easily. I think that's when I told myself that I had to protect myself.

Did you know that, according to one study, almost half of women who are pregnant with their first baby say they feel certain fears during pregnancy? Health concerns are much more common among pregnant women than in the general population. Anxiety is often more prevalent in the third trimester, but can be felt throughout the pregnancy.

While some women believe that their fears are unjustified, others think that they are right to worry. Some go so far as to say that their fears are sometimes positive. In fact, a certain level of anxiety can be beneficial, as it helps to avoid risky behavior for the baby. This feeling can also help plan the arrival of the child.

The idea is not to completely eliminate anxiety during pregnancy, but rather to learn how to manage it to avoid negative effects and prevent the development of anxiety disorders.

The impact of stress and anxiety on you and your baby

The main symptoms of an anxiety disorder are as follows:

- You often feel nervous, anxious or on edge

- You can't stop or control your anxious thoughts

- You worry about and are overwhelmed by many things

- It's difficult, if not impossible, to relax

- You feel mentally and physically agitated, and find it difficult to remain calm

- You're irritable and lack patience

- You're pessimistic

You may also experience the following physical symptoms:

- A racing heart and rapid breathing,

- Dizziness,

- Excessive sweating,

- Tension,

- Muscle pain or tremors,

- Numbness or tingling in fingers, toes or lips

There's no doubt that a woman's psychological state influences the development of her fetus and unborn baby. Life in the womb lays the foundations for the child's development. This of course leads us to reflect on how each woman experiences the emotions that arise during pregnancy.

In a mother who is constantly experiencing stress, sadness, worry or violence, the hormonal system secretes cortisol. Cortisol can impair the growth of the embryo and have an impact on the development of the child's brain.

The child feels the slightest thought, the tiniest doubt, the most intimate feelings. He feels if he is welcome, if he is accepted, if you are happy, etc.

The most precious gift you can give yourself and your child is to live your pregnancy in serenity, harmony and joy.

How to relieve anxiety

Try relaxation techniques

Try to set aside a moment to relax every day, or even several times a day if you can. You may find it easier to calm down the next time you feel anxious if you practice relaxing when you feel well.

Just sit quietly and concentrate on your breathing, breathing in deeply through your nose and out through your mouth. You can also try visualizing a pleasant place, listening to music, or concentrating on a mandala (printed canvas or harmonizing disc, for example).

Sacred geometry symbols help you to: refocus, inner calm, self-knowledge, calm, psychic restructuring..

Focus on positive thoughts during pregnancy

By nurturing the virtues and positive thoughts in your life, you're nurturing the purest part of yourself, because everything is interconnected.

If you bring one or more virtues to life, you will nourish other thoughts, feelings and wills within yourself, which will transform your body and therefore your perception. If your perception changes, what is invisible will become visible and something greater will reveal itself to you and speak to you. Where an ordinary man passes by and sees nothing, the man united to luminous, pure virtues discovers splendor, magnificence.

By resonance, by harmonization, by the nature of your thoughts, feelings and will, you form more subtle organs. When you bring certain virtues into your life, organs of perception appear within you. This invigorates you and your baby.

Virtues are the activators of life; they are the invisible, the subtle that brings life. They can guide you towards greater awareness, clearer, more alert thinking, more settled feelings.

You can work with a virtue through thought, naming it several times a day: for example, "Letting go... Letting go... Letting go..." or "Confiance.... Confiance.... Confiance...."

Today, virtues are sick in the world: we no longer know what peace, kindness and love are... Our human concepts have been placed on virtues, which are pure beings.

By focusing your loving attention on a Mandala, you will activate the corresponding virtue or energy within you.

The Mandala is a very concrete link between you and a particular energy, between you and a virtue. A link that allows them to radiate around you.

What virtue or quality do you need during your pregnancy? Do you need trust, support, protection?

If you perceive instability in your life, you can balance it with stability, by recognizing instability and transforming it.

The Mandala is a privileged link with a virtue. It unites you with a higher intelligence and allows it to become part of your life. It is a gateway to a sacred world of wisdom.

Our Mandalas are magical talismans, modeled on flowers. Just as flowers release a sweet, subtle fragrance into the atmosphere, when you work with a virtue, with a Mandala, you gradually learn to release a fragrance through your beautiful thoughts and noble feelings, which attract a purer world.

Our Mandalas help awaken your hidden center, the one that opens the way to your soul and the great mystery of your eternal true being. All these sacred Mandalas are tools of balance that bring Light.

Color Mandalas

The Mandala is a tool for eliminating stress, anxiety and fear, and for rediscovering coherence, peace and harmony. The simple act of stopping, taking time for oneself, drawing or coloring within the circle brings about a vibratory shift, enabling us to gain a better understanding of the current event.

The practice of Mandala allows us to evolve gently by getting in touch with our heart, with our deepest reality. It enables us to discover who we are, and what we need to eliminate or soften in order to achieve greater well-being and happiness.

Mandalas are ideal during pregnancy, when we are in so many states of being. Mandalas soothe us, reassure us and teach us to trust in life . While soothing the mother-to-be, Mandala offers precious moments between mother and child. A communion takes place, and it's the perfect time to deliver messages of love to your child.

Finally, I highly recommend this Mandala book:

livre mandalas photos

20 mandalas for: liberation, self-fulfillment, inner peace, security, self-expression, letting go, unconditional love, self-esteem, acceptance, forgiveness, inner strength, opening to Joy, entering the present moment, positive thinking, tenderness, the inner child, self-confidence, transformation, inner balance, harmony.

Download the free Liberation Mandala coloring book!

Mandala Liberation


The interlacing lines of this mandala represent the energetic links connecting us to the past, present and future. Through thoughtless actions or conflicting relationships, we've created many karmic knots. As you color this photo mandala, visualize these harmonious, liberating shapes around you.

Positive affirmation

"Let all that is tied be untied. I release myself from all karma, in all areas of my life. The power of the six, the Star of David, radiates around me. The energies of Heaven and Earth combine and balance in my aura. Within me and all around me radiates a great force of liberation".

Revelations about birth

Why am I offering you this Liberation Mandala to color?

In fact, it's not trivial at all... no, really not!

I'm going to be honest with you, even sharing with you something that no one tells us about birth. Obviously, no one is going to tell you about the inner life, about what is the very essence of our true being. It was really brutal for me, you know, like when you get hit in the face with a cinder block!

So there you have it...

When a child is born, a whole world appears. It's the lineage that is inscribed in this tiny being that comes into the world. And with it, all the influences of your parents and grandparents. I have to say that when I realized this, it was really brutal. And the older the child gets, the more you realize that you've passed on certain "defects". And that these "faults" were already living in your parents, grandparents etc.

I wondered how to stop this mess.

Because clearly there are certain things we don't want to pass on, for the sake of our children!

And that's when we realize that our children are life gas pedals. Because when you wake up, and you realize certain things, then you have no choice but to work on yourself to balance all those flaws.

And all our mandalas are precisely the tools that enable us to rebalance all those "flaws". I put this word in quotation marks, because the right word to use when talking about defects would be "imbalance".

With over 400 mandalas at your disposal, there's bound to be one or more that will enable you to work on those imbalances that sometimes spoil our existence. The important thing is to step back and realize that these "defects" don't belong to us. They belong to our lineage, and they're not us.

So here's what I invite you to do: simply look at events with a little distance, and choose the mandalas or symbols that speak to your heart. Because it's with the heart, with our soul, that you'll get the best results.

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