Exhausted crystals? Find out how to cleanse and charge them

By : Veronique - Categories : Routines and rituals

Gemstones and crystals can guide us, protect us, teach us, facilitate communication, improve our spiritual well-being, and help us achieve our goals and live our dreams. However, to achieve these things, the crystals must be properly prepared.

An aged, dull, physically exhausted crystal won't help anyone. A crystal previously surrounded by negative energy will be a poor conduit of life force when you need it. Likewise, a crystal that does not know you or your desires is not suited to helping you when you need protection.

In this article explains what you should do, when and why.

Why purify and charge crystals?

As crystals hold the energetic charge of all who come into contact with them and quickly absorb emanations from their environment as well as your personal energies, they need to be purified regularly.

Every time we add energy, for example when we work with crystals to heal ourselves, there is a release of energy. We absorb useful energy and expel energy that bothers us. This is why it is so important to cleanse your crystals regularly. They capture your energy, collect it and will release it sooner or later. And if you work as a healer, it is imperative to cleanse your crystals; if you don't, they will collect the energy released by one client and pass it on to the next.

If you don't clean your crystals regularly, they can even be detrimental because they absorb and then, when overfilled, release negative energies.

Best time to cleanse and charge crystals

This is a question that many of you are asking yourself. There is no single answer or ready-made answer. The answer depends on so many different factors!

It depends on what you use your stones for, what environment you live in (are there a lot of negative energies nearby for example?). Whatever happens, listen to your feelings.

In any case, it is essential to clean and recharge your stones after purchasing them.

Then here are some useful recommendations:

• If you frequently use a stone for meditation, healing, or to channel a particular intention, recharge it regularly, such as every week or month.

• If you have experienced a period of emotional stress, conflict, or negative energies, it is good to recharge your stones to eliminate any accumulation of these energies.

• The full moon is considered a powerful time to recharge the stones. You can place your stones outside during the night of the full moon to revitalize them.

• Likewise, the new moon is a good time for recharge, especially if you are using your stones to attract new intentions or projects.

• If you have cleansed your stones by exposing them to salt water, sage, or other methods, be sure to recharge them afterward to restore their energy.

• If you notice that the stones seem less effective than before, that they are dull, this may be a sign that they need to be recharged.

In any case, listen to your intuition. If you feel like your stones need to be recharged, do so, even if it doesn't necessarily fit on a set schedule. Each stone has its own needs and characteristics, so find out.

How to cleanse and charge crystals?

Cleansing crystals: the techniques

Cleansing minerals is an essential step to maintaining their energy and effectiveness. Here are some techniques to cleanse your stones and rid them of unwanted energies:

Clear water: The simplest purification is done with running water. Prefer spring water to tap water. Simply place your stones in a container and soak in cold water for a few minutes. You leave it to rest for an hour, possibly adding coarse salt for a more sustained action.

Sea Salt: In order to cleanse the crystals with this method, drop them into salt crystals, rock salt, or sea salt. Nothing else needs to be done as the information in the salt has a deeply penetrating effect. Even after an hour or two, the crystals will be completely cleansed. But they should not be left for more than three to four hours, otherwise the salt will have an energy-depleting effect. Please observe this carefully. Be very careful when using salt water! It is sometimes recommended because salt water has a similar cleansing effect to dry salt. However, salt water chemically attacks many crystals!

Earth: Bury your stones in the earth for a few days to unload and clean them. This connects them to earth energy and revitalizes them. If you don't have a garden, a flower pot filled with soil or sand can be used instead and comes in very handy for crystals that require daily cleaning and renewal.

White sage, palo santo or incense: Sage or incense sticks are excellent for fumigation because they quickly eliminate negative energies. Certain herbs, wood species and resins have a particular purifying power. These include, among others, incense (Olibanum), Dammar gum, Guggul (Indian myrrh) and juniper.

Singing bowl: The intense vibrations of sound are capable of cleansing a crystal in two to three minutes, if the bowl is tapped at a calm rhythm or if it is induced to produce a steady note by rubbing the rim of the bowl with a wooden instrument. drink. The size and grade of the bowl do not appear to be a determining factor in the effectiveness of the method. Larger crystals that cannot fit into a singing bowl can be cleaned by moving the vibrating bowl around them several times.

Visualization: Hold your crystal in your hands and visualize a column of bright white light descending and covering the crystal, absorbing anything negative and restoring pure energy again. If you have difficulty visualizing, you can use candle light. The crystals also respond well to sunlight or moonlight to cleanse and recharge.

Sacred geometry: The Flower of Life or Metatron's Cube are particularly used for this purpose. Simply place your stones inside the symbol and meditate on the intention of purification.

Charging crystals : effective techniques

If you are planning a particularly intense application of your crystals or need to have an effect very quickly, it makes sense not only to cleanse them before using them, but also to "recharge" them. Charging is a process of activating the healing properties of crystals by increasing their energy level.

Charging the crystal therefore modifies not only the quantity of energy released, but also its quality. By charging a crystal, the crystal is "awakened". Its intrinsic characteristics are activated and elevated to a higher state of effective readiness.

There are several effective methods of recharging your minerals. Choose the one that best suits your preferences and the nature of your stones.

Method 1: Charging crystals in sunlight

A very pleasant method to awaken and activate crystals is to charge them in morning or evening sunlight. The crystals should be placed in the light at sunrise or sunset so that they are completely enveloped by the red-gold light of the sun.

When the sun is just above the horizon, its light has a wonderful charging quality – about the time when one can actually look at the sun with the naked eye. In order to charge the crystals, they should not be exposed to sunlight for longer than this red-gold period, then they should be brought back into the house or a shady area.

At noon, the nature of sunlight is more intense due to the higher degree of UV rays and the lesser degree of light coming from the red end of the spectrum. It follows that the crystal charging time is approximately half an hour after sunrise or half an hour before sunset.

Method 2: Charging crystals under a full moon

Everywhere we talk about the charging of crystals in moonlight, especially at full moon. It exasperates me a little, I must admit. Not that this method isn't effective, but above all, there is a method where you don't have to wonder when the full moon will be! I'll explain everything a little further.

With this method, the crystals are placed in the moonlight at night so that they are completely enveloped by the silvery light of the Moon. What is interesting to know is that moonlight contains intrinsic information to a much greater degree than sunlight. Moonlight not only increases the intrinsic information of crystals, but also adds new qualities to them.

Moonlight crystal charging is primarily suitable for healing crystals that are used in applications for the body's fluid balance (body fluids, lymph, blood, urinary tract system, hormonal system, immune system, etc.). ). and similar). Crystals of this nature often display a much stronger effect when charged in moonlight.

Method 3: Charging crystals with smudging (white sage)

Smudging is a traditional practice of eliminating negative energies and other negative vibrations with the smoke of burning herbs, usually dried sage. The sage used for smudging is generally broad-leaved white sage, found in sticks.

This method is very simple to use. Simply light your sage stick (provide a container to place your stick) and let it burn for a few minutes to create smoke.

Then gently pass your stones through the smoke and visualize the smoke cleaning and purifying your stones. As you purify the stones, meditate on the intention you wish to convey to them.

You can also use a Tibetan bowl or bell to create a soothing sound during purification.

Method 4: rock crystal to charge crystals

Another method is to load crystals onto rock crystal. Its qualities of clarity, purity and consciousness can thus also awaken other crystals, activate them and enhance their expression.

Quartz crystals, like rock crystal or amethyst, also have the particularity of absorbing energy through their base or their sides and then releasing it in concentrated form through their tip. This can even be measured physically: the thermal conductivity of quartz crystals is approximately 18 times stronger at the tip than across the sides. This is why pieces of amethyst are used to cleanse other crystals.

To charge your crystals with rock crystal, place your crystals on a pile of small pieces of rolled rock crystal, either directly on a group of rock crystal or a druse. Both work well, with the crystal cluster clearly being the more powerful. Because the crystals placed on rock crystal sit directly on the tips of the crystals, they are charged much more powerfully than when they are laid on randomly scattered pieces of crystal. Either way, the crystals placed on it draw energy, which they absorb and then release with their own information. Thus, recharging with rock crystal groups is a gentle but very effective and above all neutral method.

You can leave your stones on the rock crystal for as long as you want, there is no contraindication.

Method 5: charging crystals through visualization

Crystals work best when their energy is harnessed and focused with intention on the task at hand, as this activates them. If you take the time to attune a crystal to your own unique frequency, you enhance its vibrational effect and amplify its healing power. Once your crystal has been purified and re-energized, sit quietly holding the crystal in your hands for a few minutes until you feel at one with it. Imagine him surrounded by light and love. State that the crystal is dedicated to the greater good of all who use it. Next, state your intention for the crystal very clearly – that it will heal or protect you, for example, or transmute negative energy. If it is intended for a specific purpose, such as healing a particular condition or harmonizing the space, state that as well. Repeat the intention several times to anchor it in the crystal.

The important thing to remember here is that some of the information that crystals absorb (and also transmit naturally) is what we ourselves transmit in our handling of crystals. Carelessness, thoughtlessness, and disrespect are forms of information, as are care and respect.

Far beyond simple (and usually tedious) dusting or any other cleaning methods, attention and admiration are among the most appropriate methods of care for healing crystals or mineral collections. Try it and tell me in the comments what you noticed!

Method 6: Sacred geometry for charging crystals

The Flower of Life and other sacred geometry symbols are often used in the process of recharging and purifying stones. These symbols play an important role and carry pure and harmonious energy, making them ideal for enhancing the energetic properties of natural stones.

This is the simplest and most effective recharging method to use because you no longer have to worry about the method of cleaning and purifying each of your stones. You stop worrying about when the full moon will be! The advantage of this technique is that you avoid potential errors that would lead you to damage your treasures.

Crystals on a 7-ray Flower of Life harmonizing mat

Here's how you can use sacred geometry symbols:

Start by selecting the symbol with which you feel an affinity, whether it is the Flower of Life, the Metatron Cube or Mandalas. Then simply place your stones on a harmonizing disk or an energizing tray. Know that any support will do for your stones, even a mouse pad or a harmonizing mat. Personally I prefer the vibration of wood for my stones.

Arrange your stones inside the sacred geometry symbol, either in the center or along the lines. Your stones should especially be inside the symbol. Take a moment to focus on the intention of recharging. Visualize the stones absorbing the positive energy of the symbol and purifying themselves. This is not mandatory but it will intensify the reloading.

Then leave your stones inside the sacred geometry symbol for at least a few hours, or even overnight, to fully recharge. The more time you give them, the more beneficial energy they will be able to absorb.

When you pick up your stones in the morning, don't forget to thank the symbol for its help.

What if you took advantage of this to create a sacred space? Find a calm and serene place where you can recharge in peace. You can light a candle, incense. Create an altar or a crystal grid. Place your crystals on your sacred geometry symbol following its geometric structure (as shown in the pictures). There is a feeling of fulfillment and divine connection when we establish ritual while working with gemstones.

How to purify a stone bracelet?

Your stone bracelet is a real treasure, not only for its natural beauty, but also for the energies it carries. Over time, however, it can absorb negative energies or simply lose its lustre. To revive its power and purity, we invite you to use sacred geometry, a mystical path that opens the doors to spirituality and universal harmony.

Before you begin, choose a quiet space where you can connect deeply with your stone bracelet. Light a candle or incense to create an atmosphere conducive to purification.

Sacred geometry offers a multitude of powerful symbols, each carrying a unique energy. To purify your stone bracelet, select a symbol that resonates with your intention. The Flower of Life, Sri Yantra or Metatron's Cube are excellent choices, but follow your intuition.

Hold your stone bracelet in your hands and close your eyes. Plunge into deep meditation and visualize your bracelet absorbing the healing energy of the sacred geometry symbol you've chosen. Imagine each stone in your bracelet illuminating with divine light.

Gently place your stone bracelet in the center of your chosen sacred geometry symbol.

Take a few moments to breathe deeply and connect to the energy of the sacred geometry symbol. Feel the harmony and balance it brings to your stone bracelet.

Meditate on the intention of purification, imagining the stone bracelet freeing itself of all negative energies and all that no longer serves its purpose. Visualize it radiating vitality.

After a while, when you feel the purification is complete, gently remove your stone bracelet from the sacred geometry symbol. It should now be cleansed and revitalized, ready to offer you its energetic benefits.

Express your gratitude to the sacred geometry symbol, your stone bracelet and the universe. Thank them for their role in this cleansing process.

Sacred geometry is a mystical path that links the spiritual with the material. By using it to purify your stone bracelet, you awaken its celestial energies and renew its power. Repeat this ritual whenever you feel your bracelet needs to be purified and revitalized. By doing so, you maintain a deep connection with the energies of the earth and the cosmos, harmonizing your own being with the universe around you.

Crystal purification and charging chart

A stone purification and recharging chart is a useful tool for crystal and gem enthusiasts. It can help you keep track of your stones, their properties, the last time they were purified or recharged, and the methods you used. Here's how you could organize such a chart:

Example of a stone purification and recharging chart
Stone namePropertiesLast purificationLast rechargingPurification methodRecharging method
AmethystCalm, Intuition10/08/202315/08/2023Salt waterLunar light
Rose quartzLove, Healing12/08/202318/08/2023White sageSacred geometry
CitrineAbundance, Joy08/08/202314/08/2023SoundFull moon
SeleniteClarity, Purity11/08/202317/08/2023EarthSacred geometry
LabradoriteProtection, Intuition09/08/202316/08/2023SoundFull moon

This chart allows you to easily monitor the condition of your stones, plan their purification and recharging, and note your preferred methods. You can personalize this chart by adding other columns as needed, such as specific intentions associated with each stone or notes on experiences you've had working with them. This will help you maintain a deeper connection with your stones and make the most of their beneficial energies.

And don't forget a must-have for taking your stones everywhere with you!

A final word

Thanks for following me this far!

If you are also a fan of stones and lithotherapy, you know that precious stones and crystals have the capacity to absorb and store energy, whether in the form of positive or negative energies. And over time, they can become saturated and less effective. This is why it is important to purify and recharge them regularly, especially if you use them during oligotherapy sessions.

Take care of your stones. You will be able to continue to benefit from their energetic properties and work with them, whether in your spiritual practices, your meditation, or your general well-being. Remember that your stones are alive and if you treat them with love and respect, they will repay you!

So now tell me everything, what is your preferred method of cleaning or recharging, and why??

We've come to the end of this article. I hope you enjoyed it.

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