Essential books on Sacred Geometry

By : Veronique - Categories : All about symbols

Sacred geometry has fascinated us for centuries for its ability to link art, science and spirituality. Present in figures in art, megalithic sites and writing systems, it invites us to explore the fundamental principles that govern the universe. Books on sacred geometry offer an insight into sacred symbolism, the history of symbols and the mathematical formulas that underpin this captivating universe.

In this article, I invite you to immerse yourself in this fascinating field through a selection of books.

How does sacred geometry work?

Sacred geometry is based on simple but universal principles, such as the correlation principle and cosmological principles, which reveal the links between perfectly proportioned patterns and the laws of nature. These figures are created according to mathematical formulas and proportions such as the golden ratio or the Fibonacci sequence, which mathematicians have been exploring since time immemorial. In spiritual circles, they embody a quest for harmony and balance, from the Tree of Life to the Flower of Life, symbols that transcend time and culture.

Learn sacred geometry: my reference books

When it comes to learning about sacred geometry, there are a number of books that stand out for their richness and pedagogy. Here are three must-have books that will captivate novices and enthusiasts alike.

"Sacred Geometry - deciphering the code" by Stephen Skinner

This fascinating work explores the fundamental principles of sacred geometry across history and cultures. Stephen Skinner takes us on a journey to decode the perfectly proportioned patterns found in ancient architecture, art and writing systems. Drawing on figures in art, mathematical formulas and sacred symbolism, this book reveals how sacred geometry is used to express universal cosmological principles. With its clear writing and detailed illustrations, this book is an essential reference for those wishing to understand the role of sacred geometry in spiritual and scientific currents.

"Le Pouvoir des Symboles" by Dominique Coquelle (the power of symbols)

Dominique Coquelle has written a richly informative book on the history of symbols and their profound meaning. He deciphers emblematic figures such as the Flower of Life, the Pentagram, the Crosses and Plato's Solids, showing how they fit into spiritual and artistic practices. The author highlights the correlation between these symbols and the universal laws that govern our world. Each symbol is accompanied by a mode of activation and, in some cases, concrete exercises. (Available in French)

"The symbolic language of geometrical figures" by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, philosopher and spiritual master, has often addressed the theme of geometric shapes as a universal language. In his teachings, he explains that sacred geometry is much more than a simple mathematical tool: it is a bridge between the visible and invisible worlds, a key to understanding the universal laws and cosmic principles that govern life.

The language of geometrical forms offers an accessible way to connect with universal laws and transcend the limitations of the rational mind. By studying Aïvanhov's teachings, we discover that these shapes are not just mathematical tools, but symbols conveying timeless wisdom. They enable us to understand the history of symbols and to harmonize with the forces that structure the universe.

My review of "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Drunvalo Melchizedek's "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" (volumes 1 and 2) is often presented as an essential reference in the field of sacred geometry.

This book explores in depth the meaning and history of the Flower of Life, as well as its links with spiritual principles, esoteric currents and energetic phenomena. However, although the book is rich in information and illustrations, I wouldn't recommend it at all.

Indeed, Melchizedek's writing mixes scientific, spiritual and symbolic concepts in a sometimes confusing way, which can make it difficult reading for beginners or those looking for a clear and solid foundation. Some of the principles outlined also lack verifiable historical or scientific foundations, which can be confusing for readers seeking to deepen their understanding of sacred geometry from a more pragmatic perspective.

Personally, I bought the 2 volumes and never read them. Far too many abstractions and considerations that lead to paths of perdition. This is a purely personal opinion.

Books on sacred geometry and the golden ratio

The golden ratio, also known as "Phi", is a fascinating mathematical proportion found in nature, art and spiritual currents. This "divine proportion" is at the heart of many books on sacred geometry, offering insights into its applications in figures in art, architecture and even writing systems.

"The Golden Number - The Divine Beauty of Mathematics" by Gary B. Meisner

This captivating book offers a complete exploration of this universal proportion, combining pedagogy with exceptional visuals. Gary B. Meisner guides us through the history of the symbols associated with the golden ratio and explains its mathematical principles in an accessible way. The book also highlights modern applications of Phi, from design to architecture to nature, where perfectly proportioned patterns reveal cosmic harmony.

With concrete examples and rich illustrations, this fascinating book is a valuable resource for understanding how the golden ratio has inspired artists, mathematicians and spiritual thinkers throughout the ages.

"The Golden Ratio: The Story of PHI, the World's Most Astonishing Number" by Mario Livio

This book links mathematical formulas and the Fibonacci sequence to manifestations of the golden ratio in nature, works of art and sacred places. Mario Livio delves into scientific and artistic history, linking the simple principles of this proportion to the discoveries made by mathematicians through the ages.

Sacred geometry books: illustrations and drawings

For those who like to explore sacred geometry in a practical way, some books offer detailed drawings and models to reproduce. Many books are available on Amazon or other specialized sites.

You can also download our printable templates from our free resources page.

Other resources

"Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice - Robert Lawlor

A classic of sacred geometry, this book links mathematical principles, spiritual traditions and geometric figures. Robert Lawlor shows how sacred geometry structures the universe and art, while providing practical exercises for immersive understanding.

"Sacred Number and the Lords of Time: The Stone Age Invention of Science and Religion" - Robin Heath

Robin Heath explores the geometric principles behind megalithic monuments such as Stonehenge and Avebury. This book reveals how ancient builders used sacred geometry to align their structures with cosmic cycles, demonstrating advanced knowledge.

"Earth Grids: The Secret Patterns of Gaia's Sacred Sites" - Hugh Newman

In this fascinating book, Hugh Newman explores the concept of "earth grids", the invisible energy networks that link sacred sites around the world. Drawing on geographical, archaeological and spiritual research, the author demonstrates how sites such as Stonehenge, the Pyramids of Giza and Machu Picchu are aligned in precise geometric patterns. The book offers an in-depth analysis of the principles of correlation between these alignments and natural laws, suggesting a profound connection between the Earth and the universe. Accessible and richly illustrated, this book is a captivating gateway for anyone wishing to understand the role of sacred geometry in Earth's great mysteries.

"The Golden Section: Nature's Greatest Secret" - Scott Olsen

Scott Olsen offers an accessible introduction to the golden section and its role in sacred geometry. Using examples from nature, art and architecture, he demonstrates how this simple principle structures our world. Perfect for amateurs and initiates alike.

A word of conclusion

At Mandalashop, specialists in sacred geometry symbols since 2014, we value the richness of sacred geometry and its impact on well-being. Discover our blog posts and products created and selected to inspire and guide you in your practice.

✨ Explore our collections today and let the wisdom of symbols guide you!

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