Complete guide to Chakra harmonization
Perhaps you already practice chakra healing without even knowing it? Do you practice yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong or Reiki? Have you ever had an acupuncture session? If so, you have already worked on your chakras! What all these practices have in common is the fact of manipulating energies and working on the chakras.
What is the point of balancing your chakras?
When you harmonize your chakras, you work on any aspect of your life almost instantly. We will see right after, each chakra is linked to a particular energy, to an aspect of your life. So, when you work on a closed or weak chakra, and rebalance it, you improve the area to which it is connected (e.g. your career, your finances, your sex life, etc.).
And if you're wondering how to balance your chakras, you've come to the right place! The first thing we are going to do together in this article is to get familiar with the chakras, how to know if they are aligned or not. And then I will present several methods to harmonize them.

Understanding the basics of the Chakras
We are not just physical bodies, because around us is a field of energy. This “subtle energy” field interacts with our physical body by flowing through concentrated spirals of energy. In yoga practice, these spiraling energy centers are known as chakras, a Sanskrit word meaning "wheels of light."
There are seven main chakras (plus a number of smaller ones) that interact with the body's endocrine glands and ductless lymphatic system by nourishing itself with good energy and removing unwanted energy. It is of vital importance to our overall health and disease prevention that we nourish the chakras in the right way.
Before seeing how we can balance them, I suggest you review the seven main chakras, their location in the body as well as their main characteristics:
1st Chakra, Root (red color): Located at the base of the spine and pelvic floor. It governs anchoring, survival, security, stability, protection and the feeling of security, connection with the physical world and the body.
2nd Chakra, Sacral (orange color): Located between the navel and the pubic bone in the lower abdomen. It governs the emotional center of the energy system, creativity, sexual energy. This chakra will take a hit with feelings of guilt, shame, grief and anger.
3rd Chakra, Solar Plexus (yellow color): Located between the bottom of the rib cage and the navel. It governs personal power, will, personal energy, authority, metabolism and control of desire.
4th Chakra, Heart (green/pink color): Located in the center of the chest. It governs unconditional love of self and others, forgiveness, compassion, giving and receiving.
5th Chakra, Throat (blue color): Located at the base of the throat. It governs true communication, speaking your truth, creative expression.
6th Chakra, Third Eye (indigo color): Located in the center of the forehead. It governs intuition, imagination, consciousness and concentration.
7th Chakra, Crown (purple/white color): Located just above the crown of the head. It governs spiritual connection, divine wisdom and understanding.
How do I know if my chakras are aligned or not?
Knowing whether or not your chakras are aligned can be a subjective thing. However, you will find in the table below the main characteristics of a balanced, hyperactive or underactive chakra.
Color, location | Associated organs and glands | Balanced / overactive / underactive | |
![]() | Crown chakra Violet Top of the head | Brain, nervous system, pituitary gland | Balanced: joy, connected to the source while aware of one's individuality, wise compassionate. Overactive: addicted to spirituality, craving attention, needing to be popular, over-erotic imagination. Underactive: misunderstood, can't have fun, unaware of or denying one's spiritual connection. |
![]() | Third eye Indigo Above the eyes, center of the forehead | Pineal gland, eyes, nose, ears, skeletal system | Balanced: intuitive, charismatic, can meditate, knows one's purpose, seen as wise. |
![]() | Throat chakra Blue Base of the throat | Thyroid gland, larynx, trachea, ears, nose, teeth, mouth, throat, carotid arteries | Balanced: can express self, speaks truth, creative. Overactive: speaking too much, boring others, seen as criticizing, stubborn. Underactive: can't express self, afraid to speak in public, cannot express the creative side, see, as timid, dependent. |
![]() | Heart chakra Green Heart, center of the chest | Circulatory system (including heart), respiratory system, arms, hands, shoulders, ribs, breasts, diaphragm, thymus glandus | Balanced: loved, loving, empathetic, contagiously good vibe. Overactive: entitlement, jealousy, blaming others, also giving too much. Underactive: unloved, self pity, fear of rejection, neediness, clinginess, uncertainty. |
![]() | Solar plexus chakra Yellow Between the sternum and the navel | Nervous system, stomach, gall bladder, large intestine, liver, pancreas | Balanced: respect of self and others, confident, outgoing, problem solving, calm, integrity. Overactive: judgmental, stubborn, critical, bully. Underactive: low self esteem, apathetic, procrastinating, taken advantage of, not knowing what to do.. |
![]() | Sacral chakra Orange Lower abdomen, 1-2 inches below the navel | Lymphatic & circulatory system, kidneys, adrenals, skin, female reproductive organs | Balanced: friendly, passionate, sexually fulfilled, good mood, playful, naturally flirty. Overactive: need power, manipulative, craving. Underactive: shy, guilt, afraid to interact, lost, overly concerned about what others think. |
![]() | Root chakra Red Tailbone, base of the spine | Spine, bladder, blood, kidneys, male reproductive organs, vagina, legs, feet | Balanced: grounded, centered, belonging in this world, trusting, independent, alive, poised. Overactive: bossy, domineering, big ego, greedy, violent, cunning. Underactive: unloved, sexually inadequate, frustrated, fearful, shy, unsure. |
• Active/Balanced: The chakra functions as intended, showing a healthy inflow and outflow of energy. The affected person will normally be fit and in good health. Different parts of their energy field – the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies – will also be vibrating.
• Underactive: The particular chakra needs some type of stimulation, perhaps to deal with adverse conditions in the physical body or in the energy field.
• Overactive: The chakra is over-stimulated, perhaps because it is trying to eliminate imbalances in the physical body.
How can I balance and harmonize my chakras?
There are a number of different methods you can use at home to help heal your chakras, including visualizations and meditations, changing old habits, practicing yoga, using crystals and essential oils and how to get the most out of your diet. Choose the technique(s) that appeal to you the most, because one technique is not necessarily better than another.
Chakra harmonization with stones and crystals
Crystals are used to extract or redirect energy, as well as to develop the forces associated with a particular stone. They are also used to rebalance and heal.
Working with crystals and stones helps you interact with the Earth's natural energy to nourish your strengths and gifts. It also helps you release what no longer serves you, harness your gifts, restore balance, heal and elevate consciousness. Crystals can be used in many ways to tackle various challenges.
1) A common method is to keep a small crystal on you, whether worn as a pendant, earrings or bracelet or in your pocket. Wearing a crystal on your body keeps its energetic frequency in resonance with you throughout the day.
2) Another way to work with stones is to lie down in a comfortable place, place a stone corresponding to the chakra on the chakra and meditate (or simply clear your mind). The stones will amplify what you are working on, whether it is releasing something from chakra, cultivating your gifts, breaking patterns, or working toward another goal.
3) And finally, you can simply hold your crystals in your left hand (receiving hand) during meditation, so that you can receive the beneficial healing vibrations from the crystal.

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Black tourmaline, jet, onyx, red aventurine, red jasper
2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana): Carnelian, Goldstone, Imperial Topaz, Orange Calcite, Peach Moonstone, Shiva Lingam, Sunstone, Mandarin Quartz
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Amber, Citrine, Copal, Golden Calcite, Golden Healing Quartz, Orpiment, Pyrite, Tiger's Eye, Yellow Aventurine, Yellow Fluorite, Yellow Jade
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Chrysoprase, Girasol, Idocrase, Mangano Calcite, Pink Tourmaline, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Amazonite, Angelite, Aqua Aura Quartz, Celestite, Turquoise
6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Azurite, Blue Aventurine, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Tanzanite
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Amethyst, Charoite, Lepidolite, Violet Fluorite, Scapolite, Selenite, Stichtite, Sugilite
Some details before using your stones:
1) I make sure to select a stone that corresponds to the chakra I want to work on.
2) I clean and purify my stones the day before, by placing them on a Flower of Life harmonizing disk or tray for example
How do I recharge a 7-chakra bracelet?
If you have a 7-chakra bracelet, it's important to remember to clean and recharge your stones after each treatment or use, by placing them on a harmonizing disk or energizing tray, for example.

Chakra harmonization through sound
Did you know that each chakra is associated with a unique vibrational frequency? Because of this, you can use specific sound frequencies to realign and balance the subtle energy centers in your body.
How to do? There are several methods to choose from, some are easier to practice alone than others.
1. Mantras and chants: Chanting is an ancient practice that raises your observable vibrational level. Modern science now realizes through “string theory” and “M-theory” what the ancient sages always knew; that the universe vibrates. The primordial AUM is what shapes us, penetrates us and binds us in every moment. When you chant, these subtle vibrations that are not usually observable become observable, allowing consciousness to penetrate deeper into unconscious areas. Singing is a tool for focusing the mind and developing focused attention, entering deep, relaxed states of consciousness, and becoming aware of our true vibrational nature.
2. Tibetan singing bowls and crystal bowls emit pure and harmonious sounds. The sound vibrations emitted by these instruments resonate with the chakras. They help release any blockages you have and restore a smooth flow of energy.
3. Tuning Forks: These are tools that emit specific sound frequencies. They work a bit like Tibetan bowls. Each tuning fork is tuned to a particular frequency, which corresponds to a musical note and a specific chakra.
4. Binaural music and frequencies: This is music specially designed to balance the chakras. Some compositions incorporate binaural frequencies, which create a different perception of sound in each ear, resulting in calming and brain synchronization effects. These frequencies can help calm the mind and realign the chakras.
5. Guided meditation: These meditations often incorporate sound elements. You might be guided through a relaxation journey where each chakra is activated with specific sounds, promoting overall balance.
6. Energy healing sessions like Reiki: some therapists use sound techniques to balance the chakras. Sounds are often combined with healing gestures to optimize results.

Chakra harmonization with Reiki
Reiki is a Japanese energy healing method. As taught in modern times, the Reiki hand positions that are used for healing are found (almost without exception) on or above the chakra locations. Students learn that Reiki flows through their crown chakra and then through the minor chakras in the palms of their hands. A healer then becomes a channel through which Reiki healing energy can flow, when they place their hands in the auric field or on the body of the recipient. Healers are trained not to direct this energy, but simply to let it flow where it is needed, as Reiki masters intend.
Have you ever done a Reiki session? If so, share your feedback in the comments.
During a Reiki session, the practitioner channels universal energy through their hands and transmits it to the recipient. This benevolent energy acts as a catalyst to stimulate and rebalance the chakras. As I said, the practitioner generally uses their hands to gently sweep the area where each chakra is located. This movement promotes the release of energy blockages and allows energy to flow more freely.
Reiki often involves the use of intention and visualization. The practitioner and recipient can focus on each chakra individually, imagining a bright, healing light entering these energy centers.
And finally, did you know that you can practice Reiki for self-care?

Chakra harmonization with sacred geometry symbols
A fascinating approach to achieving chakra harmonization is the use of sacred geometry symbols, especially when combined with chromotherapy, a concept we developed at Mandalashop since our creation in 2014.
Like other forms of vibrational healing, color therapy treats an energetic imbalance that can cause disease in the body, not the disease itself. Color treatment is ideally given in the form of light, but it can be done by focusing only on the color of the corresponding chakra.
By doing some research I discovered that some use not only the predominant color of the chakra but also its complementary color. I'm referring here to the color wheel (if this is something unfamiliar to you, do a Google search). In the color wheel, for example, the complementary color of red is turquoise; the complement of orange is blue; the complement of yellow is violet; and the complement of green is magenta.
Here's how you can use sacred geometry symbols to balance your chakras:
Visual Meditation
Symbols are powerful centering devices for harnessing divine energies. Centering means that you focus all your inner and outer attention on a still point in the center of your mind. If you are centered, you will not be disturbed by the events of your daily life. The idea is to choose a sacred geometry symbol that resonates with you (like the Sri Yantra for overall harmonization). Focus on the printed canvas, close your eyes and visualize this symbol, concentrating on every detail. Imagine the energy of this symbol penetrating each chakra, purifying and balancing it.
Mandala coloring
Draw or print mandalas based on sacred geometry symbols. Color them using colors corresponding to each chakra. As you color, imbue each section of the mandala with the intention of harmonizing the associated chakra.
Crystals and Symbols
Place crystals associated with each chakra on a sacred geometry symbol during a meditation or self-care session. For example, place a rose quartz on a green or pink Fleur de Vie to work on the heart chakra.
Benefits of using Sacred Geometry Symbols
Incorporating sacred geometry symbols into chakra attunement can help:
• Energy activation
• Spiritual alignment
• improving concentration
• Global balancing

How to start ?
There are many ways to harmonize the chakras with symbols.
And first of all, perhaps you're wondering which symbols you should choose?
Whether your heart is set on Indian chakras, the Flower of Life, Metatron's Cube or vibratory Mandalas, simply let yourself be drawn to the symbols that speak to you most (not the fashionable ones.... You heard me!).
You can also use the Indian chakras.
But also the Flower of Life: we've designed a range of wooden Flower of Life in the colors of the 7 chakras.
And you can also take inspiration from the colors and virtues corresponding to each energy center by choosing more contemporary mandalas.
In short, the choice is wide! Trust yourself.
Once you've chosen your symbols, there are several options open to you.
- You can sit on a harmonizing mat during your meditation and concentrate on a particular chakra. As we're made up of around 70% water, the shape waves, combined with the effects of chromotherapy (colors), will act directly on you. You can also place your harmonizing mat under your back if you choose to meditate lying down.
- You can concentrate on a mandala painting or on a harmonizing disc during your conscious meditation, or even use the 7-disc set.
- You can place a harmonizing disc on the energy center that needs it. In this case, place the symbol face down if you want it to work. You can intensify the work by visualizing the color and working on your intention (harmonizing, rebalancing).
And there are surely other ways we haven't thought of! Let your intuition be your guide and you'll get even better results.

The benefits of chakra harmonization
Chakra alignment provides a range of benefits for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Among these we can cite:
• Energy balance
• Reduction of stress, anxiety and mental tension
• Improved vitality
• Better mental clarity, concentration and decision-making
• Improved relationships with others
• Reduction of physical symptoms (pain, discomfort)
• Spiritual development
• Amplified creativity
• Emotional balance
• Improved overall health
• Strengthened intuition
• Feeling of inner peace
PS: Everyone is unique, the benefits may vary from one person to another.
The concluding word
Analyzing what is happening with your chakras can be a powerful way to tune in to your mind, body, and spirit. To do this, you need to observe which chakras react noticeably when you find yourself in stressful situations. Perhaps you have recurring problems or illnesses and should ask yourself if you are going backwards rather than forwards in your life.
Your body is unique in its health needs, so it is essential to understand the energies at play both in your body and in your energy field. For many reasons, you can block the auric light pathways that interconnect them, and illness will result. Chakra healing helps clear the pathways, so that positive energy can pass through the auric filaments and nourish your physical body.

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