Chromotherapy and the benefits of colors

Feeling down or depressed? It happens to everyone.

As winter approaches, many people can also suffer from a loss of morale and energy. This season is often synonymous with dullness and cold, and the length of the nights gradually deprives us of the luminous rays our bodies need.

The conscious use of the magic of colors can then become a very powerful, natural and inexpensive means of regaining or reinforcing your inner harmony.

What is chromotherapy? Definition

Chromatherapy, chromotherapy or chromatotherapy is a concept that originated in the 20th century thanks to Dr. Max Luscher. In reality, however, the principle of chromatherapy goes back much further: ancient China was already using it, not to mention ancient India, which associated traditional colors with the chakras (energy centers located in the human body).

This ancient alternative alternative medicine offers each color its own therapeutic properties and virtues, which have a major influence on our health.

The principle of chromotherapy is to stimulate the body's self-healing capacities by using the energy of colors to treat a physical or psychological disorder.

A brief history of chromotherapy

From Wikipedia:

Avicienne (Persian medieval philosopher and physician, 980-1037) mentions chromotherapy in Qanûn (an encyclopedic work on medieval medicine written in Arabic). He sees color as an important element in medical diagnosis and treatment. He writes that "color is an observable symptom of disease" and develops a chart that links color to the temperature and physical condition of the patient's body. His view is: red agitates the blood, blue or white cools it and yellow reduces muscle pain and inflammation.

Augustus Pleasonton (1801-1894), a Civil War general, published The Influence Of The Blue Ray Of The Sunlight And Of The Blue Color Of The Sky in 1876, on the effects of the color blue on plant cultivation, animal husbandry and human health.

In 1933, Dinshah P. Ghadiali (1873-1966), a pilot and later colonel in the U.S. Army, published a theosophical book on colortherapy.

In the 1970s, Jean-Michel Weiss patented a rapid color-change generator produced by Sagem: the "création W color" in the form of a generator of colored pulses that can change color up to 100 times a second on a palette of 256 variants. His pupil was Gilles Diederichs, born January 18, 1958 in Paris, a French relaxologist, sophrologist and composer of relaxation music for children and adults.

How does chromotherapy work?

Each color in the spectrum corresponds to a wavelength of light, a precise vibration quantified by science. All life is vibration.

As quantum physicists have demonstrated, the quality and nature of the waves that travel through matter determine its organization and molecular structure. Vibration is thus the breath of life, the "anima" spoken of by the ancients.

Through their vibratory radiation, colors have a direct influence on our subtle bodies, our emanations, our thoughts, our states of mind. Advertising and marketing professionals are very familiar with these psychological functions, and use them extensively to induce inner states in consumers, cravings, lacks.

What they don't know, however, is the power and capacity of colors to heal beings and embellish life through what can't be bought. So rather than suffer these influences, let's learn to master them.

Basic chromotherapy techniques

Chromotherapy can be used:
- in the visual sphere;
- over the whole body;
- locally on organs or affected structures;
- via reflex pathways in the ears, feet or hands;
- by applying light to meridians and acupuncture points.

In general, a chromotherapy session involves projecting rays of colored light onto the subject's entire body using powerful projectors, styli or luminous torches. Some chromotherapists focus the color on a specific area of the body, such as reflexology or acupuncture points. Other practitioners offer their patients a veritable color bath, in the manner of solarium sessions, or more specifically, eye irradiation.

Without the need for a specialist, it is also possible to self-administer sessions, although you should be aware that these techniques are powerful and effective, and require a good knowledge of the subject. Make sure you know all you need to know before using these techniques.

What are the benefits of chromotherapy?

Colored light therapy can, for example, have beneficial effects on stress, depression, fatigue, sleep disorders, migraine, anxiety...

Generally speaking, all the colors projected onto the organism reinforce vital energy and the immune system.

Chromotherapy generally uses ocular treatment, via rays of light sent to the eyes. It can also complement treatments for certain traumatological or rheumatological problems, such as osteoarthritis, tendonitis and arthritis.

Chromotherapy is also useful for dermatological problems such as herpes, scars, aging skin, scars and burns. Colored light is diffused directly onto the area to be treated.

But we forget that colors are everywhere. So be vigilant about the colors you wear or introduce into your living or working space (when you can choose them, of course).

We also often forget that light is essential to the well-being of living beings.

The wavelengths emitted by "colors" emit vibrations that influence our living cells. Each color is felt differently by different people. Liking or disliking a color can reveal our problems.

The meaning of colors in chromotherapy

Colors are the language of Light. They fill the world because everything is color, in us and around us. Although they are the result of a physical phenomenon, electromagnetic waves of different lengths, the true nature of colors is above all spiritual. Each one is a manifestation of the Spirit and has the capacity to influence our daily lives.

The colors of our clothes and home decor are not neutral; they act for our well-being...

Just as there are colors on the outside, we can also put colors on the inside and light up all the internal suns that the initiatory tradition calls "chakras".

Putting colors in your life doesn't just mean encouraging positive colors in your clothes, in your home, in your workplace, it also means relearning to think, to love, to live in color.

Which color to choose for chromotherapy?

Each color is linked to a whole, an intelligent order and universal cohesion.

Each ray of color is linked to a day of the week and a star:

- Violet ray: Monday, Moon
- Red ray: Tuesday, Mars
- Yellow ray: Wednesday, Mercury
- Blue ray: Thursday, Jupiter
- Green ray: friday, Venus
- Indigo ray: Saturday, Saturn
- Orange ray: Sunday, Sun

Diamond light is present every day, as it is the hidden source behind all colors.

Each color possesses a strength, a quality, an intelligence that, when united with you, can bring perfection. Let's take a look at the physical and psychic effects of the main colors.

Chromotherapy: white

On a physical level, white is said to have an energizing effect.
On a psychological level, it stimulates the mind and, when used to color the walls of a room, makes its occupants more productive.

Chromotherapy: black

On a physical level, black induces sleep by bringing the body to rest.
On a psychological level, over time it can have depressing effects, given that in our civilization it symbolizes death, sadness and mourning.

Chromotherapy: pink

Physically, pink tends to be exciting.
Psychologically, it combats stress, pessimism and anxiety, hence the expression "seeing life in pink".

Chromotherapy: red

Physically, red is highly stimulating. It has antiseptic and healing powers. It stimulates the liver and blood circulation, and helps with bronchitis, impotence and rheumatism. According to scientists, it can help cure anemia and lymphatism.
Psychologically, it dispels shyness and stimulates the mind for short-term challenges.

Chromotherapy: orange

On the physical level, orange helps the body to digest better. Still in the toning category, this color is considered an antispasmodic. Chromotherapists claim it stimulates the heart and thyroid. Orange also stimulates the respiratory system and aids calcium fixation.
Psychologically, it promotes a good mind-body relationship and increases optimism. It brings warmth and friendliness and symbolizes joy.

Chromotherapy: yellow

Physically, yellow energizes the digestive system and tones muscles. Laxative and helps with eczema.
Psychologically, it stimulates the intellect. Anti-mental fatigue and melancholy. Yellow is a tonic color, but not an exciting one. This color is perfectly suited to people prone to depression, as it brings energy and facilitates exchanges and communication.

Chromotherapy: green

In chromotherapy, green calms the mind, revitalizes the body and gives a feeling of serenity.

Chromotherapy: blue

Sedative and antispasmodic, blue also combats fevers and tones the nervous system. For decoration or clothing, we recommend combining blue with other, more invigorating colors, such as red, yellow or white. This color brings calm and peace.

Chromotherapy: turquoise

On a physical level, turquoise regenerates the skin and soothes sudden, violent pain.
On a psychological level, calming and restful after mental exertions.

Chromotherapy: violet

Violet combats insomnia and calms nervous excitement. According to chromotherapists, it combats joint problems.

Please note: colors are not a substitute for medication. Although the effectiveness of chromotherapy has been proven, it can complement other therapies. Some physiotherapists, acupuncturists and therapists also offer this type of service.

Find the color(s) you need.

Fill your interior with thoughts through visualization and meditation. In your living or working environment, use colors that are in harmony with your aspirations, your wishes, what you need to harmonize, invigorate, balance, welcome and strengthen within yourself.

Chromotherapy applications

Solarized water

To benefit from the influence of colored vibrations, a very simple practice is to expose a colored glass bottle filled with water to sunlight. The color of the container will transmit its vibratory energy to the water. This beneficial water can then be drunk throughout the day.

In line with this technique, you can also get into the habit of systematically pouring the water you wish to drink into a tinted glass bottle, having taken care to choose the color according to the disorder you wish to treat.

If you don't have a colored container at home, a harmonizing disk placed under an uncolored glass bottle will do the trick. This way, you can vary the colors to suit your needs and also benefit from the vibrations of sacred geometry symbols.

Colors in your choice of clothing

Color rhymes with mood: each color is associated with a specific type of emotion. Every day, we use expressions that reflect the link between a color and an emotion: yellow laughter, brooding, seeing red, green with rage, seeing life in pink, blue with fear, green with hope..

Each color has its own field of action within our emotional palette. Like a painter, we choose, more or less consciously, the colors that correspond to us psychologically, both in our living environment and in our day-to-day clothing choices. We all have clothes and colors that we like to wear, simply because they make us feel better.

If you listen to yourself in the morning before getting dressed, you'll naturally sense what colors suit you for the new day.

Color is like food for the emotional body.

If you're feeling tired, consciously wear red. You'll find that your clothes will give you vitality... and if you don't like red, choose orange, which will give you energy and a happy, spontaneous side.

This little daily exercise is great for developing your self-awareness. Simply ask yourself: "What color do I need or want to wear today? Over time, you'll become increasingly sensitive to the influence of color.

The great thing about colors is that they teach us about our psychic and spiritual life.

Colors in your interior design

In my opinion, there are 2 ways of approaching the subject of color in interior design.

1) The simplest and most effective way is to let yourself be inspired by colors and symbols. Because by choosing with your feelings, you'll choose, by the law of correspondence or affinity, what you need.

I always draw a parallel with the choice of stones in lithotherapy, because it's exactly the same thing! Each stone, each symbol, emits a vibration, a wave of form, which will speak directly to your heart and your subconscious.

2) Ask yourself what energy, what vibration you'd like to infuse into your home or a particular space.

A touch of red in the kitchen to bring dynamism and initiative, blue in your bedroom to promote calm and relaxation, and yellow in your office to combat mental fatigue (yellow encourages reflection, study and activates thought). It's up to you to vary the colors according to your needs and those of the whole family!

Colors for meditation

I invite you to read my articles "Meditation on the 7 chakras" and "How to meditate: 5 basic rules" (links at the bottom of the page)

You'll find some food for thought and an exercise to put into practice.

The mandala, or sacred geometry symbols in general, can be used as a visual support for meditation. But a photo that makes sense to you, a statue, a stone... can also replace the mandala to guide you in your meditation. You focus your attention exclusively on this object, observing its lines and materials, and associating the ideas it suggests to you.

The simplest and most accessible way to focus your attention is to observe without judgment.

The possibilities are endless. Generally speaking, we can say that :

- red stimulates, energizes, strengthens ;

- orange is interiorizing, bringing joy, health, inner energy, pleasure and soul;

- yellow encourages reflection, study, activates thought, moderates, attracts wisdom, intelligence, communication;

- green is fertile, fruitful, gathers wealth, opens a path, smoothes difficulties, brings out the soul, hidden beauty, positivity, optimism;

- blue soothes, calms, relaxes, unifies, harmonizes, uplifts, enhances;

- indigo structures, brings order, discipline, method, strength, confidence, stability;

- violet cleanses, repels dark, harmful energies, destroys all that is false, misleading, illusory;

- white opens the mind, reinforces tolerance, vigilance, awareness, candor, freshness, mastery;

- black contrasts, brings a touch of freedom, of choice, of depth; it must be used sparingly, for in a way it is the negation of Light, representing unconsciousness and death, although it is also the great revealer of Light, the one who brings it forth and unveils it.

For 1 or 2 months, place yourself in front of a Mandala or a Flower of Life canvas, for example, and perceive your state of mind.

It's important to create a calm, Zen atmosphere, conducive to meditation. It doesn't always have to be the same symbol or Mandala. Each one is unique and corresponds to a specific state of mind.

You can stand in front of your painting just before going to bed. Strive to perceive the virtue awakening within yourself. Be serene and receptive.

When you wake up the next morning, pay attention to your inner sensations. Vibrational Mandalas in particular bring positive influences into the body through the psychic centers.

This energy is intended to awaken positive virtues and states of mind. That's why, after each meditation or contemplation session in front of a Mandala, it's a good idea to focus your attention on your soul throughout the day.

It's all very well to be irritated on the surface, while in the depths, serene calm remains absolutely unperturbed.

It's essential to nurture deep states of soul that connect us to a higher consciousness.

In conclusion

The effectiveness of colors is very personal. How you feel about different shades is above all a matter of taste and sensitivity.

What if you're color-blind?

If you perceive blue instead of red, for example, it's your perception that's important. And as a result, red, which has a stimulating effect for most of us, can create a completely different vibration for a color-blind person.

So listen to your feelings and try to perceive the effects of each color according to your own inner vibration.

Each color, each symbol, is an experience to be lived. I invite you to follow your inspiration and select the one that attracts you most. It's the same when you have to give someone a gift.

I hope you enjoyed this article.

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Sources :érapie

The Healing Art of Color, Ed. Essénia

Article updated 06/06/2023

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Mandalashop - 12/01/2024 19:07:46

Bonjour Yveline, nous répondons à toutes ces questions sur le blog. Par exemple: "Fleur de Vie: quelle couleur choisir?" ou "Géométrie sacrée : 3 façons de choisir votre symbole"

Yveline - 12/01/2024 18:58:28

J'aimerais savoir pour un plateau de dynamisation d'une couleurs ou des 7 couleurs pour dinamiser des pierres pour une magnétiseuse, et cube de metatron ou fleur de vie ?